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Monday, February 05, 2007

You're Invited: Democratic Party Organizing Meeting 2/7 at GI Forum

From Bill Kass:
Our series of monthly meetings in Albuquerque started with Ward 25A and combined with an ad hoc group called Grassroots Democrats. Our goal is to expand the active membership of the Bernalillo County Democratic Party – not to create a separate organization. I think that this is a task that legitimately belongs to the DPBC but has recently been ignored. Our long term strategy is to find DPBC officials who will continue to organize and strengthen the party throughout the year – not just at election time. We encourage anyone who might be interested in getting more involved in Democratic Party activities to attend.

We will hold our next organizing meeting on February 7 at 6:00 PM at the GI Forum, 3301Mountain Road NW. The most direct access is to take Rio Grande Blvd. to Mountain Road and turn west. The GI forum is located near the end of Mountain Road about ¾ mile west of Rio Grande Blvd. – almost to the river. It seems like it is farther than it is because there are about 5000 speed bumps on Mountain Road.

We will start with our usual potluck dinner at 6 PM followed by a meeting focused on finding candidates for upcoming County / Ward / Precinct/ County Central Committee / State Central Committee, party positions.

6:00 PM: Potluck
7:00 PM: Business Meeting - Announcements:

7:30 PM: Small Group exercise: Break into small groups based on geography (wards or areas of Bernalillo County) to develop a plan for finding candidates for party offices in all of these areas. Report back with group actions.

We invite all those who are currently party officials to continue - your experience is valuable to the Party. There are also many positions that are unfilled. We want to fill those positions with active, engaged Democrats who will help to create an identity for the Democratic Party. Please join us in this effort. For more information or to RSVP, please contact me at

Bill Kass

February 5, 2007 at 11:40 AM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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