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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Join The League's Rally for Clean Elections: Sign Up for Feb. 9 Bus to Santa Fe

From The League of Young Voters, Albuquerque:
Are you sick of dirty money in politics?  Are you tired of corporations dictating YOUR life? And most importantly, are you down with the LEAGUE?? If you answered "YES" to any (and hopefully all) of the questions above, why not join the League's Clean Election Campaign, and help us KEEP dirty money OUT of politics! Public Financing will:

  • Reduce corruption and the influence of Big Industry and Corporate lobbying.
  • Allow qualified leaders to run, who due to financial reasons may not have been able to before.
  • Give the power back to voters by increasing their choices and reducing negative campaigning due to spending limits.

Your Legislators will be voting on this issue soon, its up to us to tell them what the people want.

Heres How You Can Help:

  • Come up to Santa Fe for our League Clean Election Rally on February 9th.
  • Help us get the word out about Clean Elections by volunteering with the League.
  • Write letters to your local paper supporting Public Financed campaigns.

Give us a call and let us know how you can help. You can also signup for our bus to Santa Fe by clicking here.  You can also make your self heard immediately by sending your Senator a message to support Clean Elections.

To subscribe to The League's mailing list, go to: https://indyvoter.org/join.

February 3, 2007 at 09:00 AM in Election Reform & Voting, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


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