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Monday, February 05, 2007
Stop NM Taxpayer Subsidies for Proposed Dirty Desert Rock Power Plant
Editor's Note: Activists, including many Navajos, are opposing the construction of a huge, polluting, coal-fired power plant called the Desert Rock Power Plant in the Four Corners region. For more information, check our previous post on this. Now, a bill has been introduced in the NM Legislature to provide a generous tax subsidy to the company that plans to build the plant. Needless to say, there's a serious effort underway to fight this legislation, explained below. Be sure to explore the website mentioned below. It has an abundance of info, resources, photos and videos about the proposed coal-fired plant and the struggle to stop it.
From the Sierra Club, Dine CARE, Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy: The tax subsidy for dirty coal was tabled in the House. But the bill is still alive in the Senate. Please continue to support this effort by:
- CALLING the Senators below and ask them to OPPOSE SB 431 .
- ATTENDING the “No to Desert Rock” Rally on FEBRUARY 5, 2:00-3:00 PM Round House Rotunda (northwest corner of Paseo de Peralta and Old Santa Fe Trail). For more information please go to: https://www.desert-rock-blog.com/blog
Please call, email or write your Senator and ask them to OPPOSE SB 431.
The Senate is currently considering an $85 million subsidy for the proposed Desert Rock coal-fired power plant. No subsidies or tax breaks to build a dirty plant for electricity to other states – NOT our money, not out of New Mexico ’s pocket into Sithe Global’s wallet.
If Desert Rock is built, all the clean energy and anti-pollution progress we have made in New Mexico will be wasted. Sithe Global claims their plant would be a “clean” coal plant, but it would NOT meet New Mexico ’s standards for power plants and would severely impact surrounding communities and add millions of pounds of carbon and mercury pollution into New Mexico ’s air and water.
Tips: Please call AND write. If the Senator does not have an email or you would prefer to send a hand written letter, please fax the letter to 505-986-4280 or mail it to New Mexico State Capitol, Santa Fe, NM 87501.
Senator: Shannon Robinson, Chair
Corporations & Transportation Committee
District: 17, County(s): Bernalillo
Capitol Office Phone: 986-4856
E-mail: shannon.robinson@nmlegis.gov
Senator: Ben D. Altamirano, Sponsor of HB 431
District: 28, County(s): Catron, Grant & Socorro
Capitol Office Phone: 986-4733
Senator John Arthur Smith, Vice Chair
Revenue Stabilization & Tax Policy
District: 35, County(s): Hidalgo, Luna & Sierra
Capitol Office Phone: 986-4363
E-mail: john.smith@nmlegis.gov
Senator James G. Taylor
District: 14, County(s):Bernalillo & Valencia
Capitol Office Phone: 986-4862
E-mail: jamesg.taylor@nmlegis.gov
Senator Cisco McSorley (Chair of Judiciary)
Distict: 16, County(s): Bernalillo
Capitol Office Phone: 986-4485
E-mail: cisco.mcsorley@nmlegis.gov
Senator Bernadette M. Sanchez, Vice Chair
District: 26, County(s): Bernalillo
Capitol Office Phone: 986-4267
Senator Diane Snyder
District: 15, County(s): Bernalillo
Capitol Office Phone: 986-4375
E-mail: hdsnyder@spinn
Senator Mark Boitano
District: 18, County(s): Bernalillo
Capitol Office Phone: 986-4366
E-mail: boitanom@aol.com
Senator Dianna J. Duran
District: 40, County(s): Dona Ana & Otero
Capitol Office Phone: 585-9896
E-mail: dianna.duran@nmlegis.gov
Senator Phil A. Griego
District: 39, County(s) L.A. ,Mora,Sand,S.M.,S.F. & Taos
Capitol Office Phone: 986-4861
E-mail: senatorgriego@yahoo.com
Senator Stuart Ingle
District: 27, County(s): Chaves, Curry, De B & Roosevelt
Capitol Office Phone: 986-4702
Senator Cynthia Nava
District: 31, County(s): Dona Ana
Capitol Office Phone: 986-4834
E-mail: cynthia.nava@nmlegis.gov
Senator David Ulibarri
District 30, County(s): Cibola, Socorro & Valencia
Capitol Office Phone: 986-4260
Helpful Links:
Desert Rock Blog:
NM Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy:
Sierra Club, Rio Grande Chapter:
February 5, 2007 at 09:06 AM in Energy, Environment, Native Americans, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink