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Friday, February 09, 2007

Same Day Voter Registration Passes NM House Consumer & Public Affairs

From the NM House Leadership:
Two bills that would allow same-day voter registration were presented in House Consumer & Public Affairs yesterday. HB 394, introduced by Rep. Joseph Cervantes (D- Las Cruces), was tabled at his request. The second bill (HB 346) introduced by Rep. Mary Helen Garcia (D-Las Cruces) received a do pass recommendation with a vote of 4 to 3.

House Bill 346 permits same-day registration in primary and general elections at the polling place for the precinct in which the voter resides. The qualified voter would be allowed to complete a certificate of registration and cast a ballot with the presentation of a valid photo identification card, utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, student identification card or other government document, including identification issued by an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo.

Rep. Garcia said, “I would like to thank Rep. Cervantes for requesting that his bill be tabled. It was a coincidence that we both introduced bills that were almost identical. Rep. Cervantes is a true gentleman and I consider him a full partner in this same-day voter registration effort.”

In support of HB 346 Rep Cervantes said, “I believe that it is time to move beyond our outdated attitudes towards voting. Decades ago it took days and weeks to accurately maintain voting records. Today that work can be done in seconds. We must embrace technology because it makes it easier for a person to vote while ensuring the integrity of the system.”

Rep. Garcia said, “There are many groups who would benefit from same day voter registration. This includes our young people who move around so much and people with disabilities who often confront barriers to transportation. Many new citizens, people of color, or low-income voters are forced by circumstances to move frequently and they should not be disenfranchised by the system.”

Eight states allow registration and voting on the day of an election. Supporters say that the process increases voter turnout. In New Mexico a voter must be registered 28 days before any type of election to qualify to vote in that election.

“We can bank instantly at an ATM or on-line. Why should voting registration be less secure using the same type of technology?” concluded Rep. Cervantes.

Editor's Note: United Voters of NM, Vertified Voters NM and other election reform activists are supporting the same day voter registration bill. The bill goes next to the House Voters and Elections Committee. To contact members of that committee, click here.

February 9, 2007 at 09:58 AM in Election Reform & Voting, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


Common Cause also strongly supports Election Day Registration.

Posted by: | Feb 9, 2007 11:47:27 AM

Is New Mexican competence up to the task?
It is a great idea but difficult to pull off clean.

The instrumentation is corruptible and subject to error.

The conditions of human count are intolerable and expensive.

Good Luck.

The technology exists for accurate count but the money changers own the software.

Posted by: qofdisks | Feb 9, 2007 2:03:45 PM

"Is New Mexican competence up to the task?" Unless something radical happened that I don't know about, I doubt it. I think there are better ways to address the problems that they keep citing to justify a move like this. I think if implemented this will cause more problems and headaches than it's worth. With the exception of the last couple of elections I have worked as a election Presiding Judge for the last 20 years, but if this passes I might have to do some serious thinking before getting involved.

Posted by: VP | Feb 9, 2007 3:30:17 PM

Sure NM has got to step up to the task.
Bern. Co. now with Maggie Toulouse as the clerk and lots of energy and new charimanship for dem party coming on line.
VP please it is not the time to not get involved, indeed it is the time for people with past knowledge to stay involved and help form and institute these changes.
Be part of the change how exciting.
Mary Ellen

Posted by: Mary Ellen | Feb 10, 2007 10:47:02 AM

Is New Mexican competence up to the task? Aren't we the home of the nuclear bomb creation? I don't like them but they were a significant technological item. Don't we have a significant brain trust at Los Alamos Labs and Sandia Labs and all of the businesses and people who support those labs? Don't we have some really great medical advances coming out of UNMH and UNM Med School?

I am pretty impressed with the competence of New Mexicans. I would like to ask people who want to rant negative on such significant improvements to our community to consider that some changes are long overdue and to be part of the solution.

Terry Riley

Posted by: Terry Riley | Feb 10, 2007 11:22:52 AM

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