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Monday, February 05, 2007

Repub Senators Vote to Block Debate on Iraq War Resolution

Read all about it, and here's the U.S. Senate roll call. A 'Yea' means the Senator voted for cloture that would permit debate and voting on the Warner-Levin Resolution on Iraq. A 'Nay' means the Senator voted against cloture, blocking any discussion or voting on the measure. The measure needed 60 votes to move forward but got only 49. The only Repub Senators to vote Yea were Coleman (R-MN) and Collins (R-ME). No Democrats voted Nay except for Reid, who did it so for procedural reasons, so the matter can be raised again. Talk about Repubs caving. For instance, Hagel and Warner voted against bringing their own resolution to a clear up or down vote! The wrangling on this is expected to continue....

February 5, 2007 at 07:49 PM in Iraq War | Permalink


Once again Senator Domenici ignores people and votes with his party in favor of the war profiteers for no debate on Iraq. Something else he recently did that I find pretty disgusting was not participating in a field hearing by the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee of which he is a member. It was reportedly to survey the damage, examine progress, and try and make things better for the still suffering people of NOLA, none of the Republican members participated.

Posted by: VP | Feb 6, 2007 12:28:42 PM

Really horrible about Domenici and NOLA. And Bush not mentioning it in his state of union speech. And and and. I can't understand how ANYONE can be supporting Bush and his Republican cronies any more. You'd have to be without a brain or a heart.

Posted by: Sandy | Feb 6, 2007 5:54:27 PM

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