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Monday, February 05, 2007

Email Gov. Richardson on Progressive Eyewitness ID Reform Bill

The national blog TalkLeft has a post on NM Senate Bill 5, including a good description of what the bill would do and why it's needed. The story is also crossposted at DailyKos. The legislation is sponsored by Sen. John Grubesic (D-Santa Fe) and addresses the problem of mistaken eyewitness identification, the most common cause of wrongful convictions. The bill has already been passed by the Senate Public Affairs Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee, and heads next to the NM Senate Floor. It may be voted on as early as today.

The bill is supported by the state's criminal defense attorneys, the American Civil Liberties Union and Barry Scheck's Innocence Project, among others. In a letter urging the adoption of such measures, Scheck called NM's bill "an excellent model" that "incorporates many of the scientifically documented 'best practices' for eyewitness reform."

Unfortunately, the eyewitness ID reform bill is being fought by NM Attorney General Gary King and law enforcement agencies. To urge your State Senator to support this bill, click here. We also need Governor Richardson to step in and support this bill. As the Talk Left post says:

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson wants to be the Democrats' nominee for President. A good way for him to begin the journey would be to endorse Senate Bill 5 and show he values justice and is willing to be smart, not tough, on crime. Send him an e-mail and urge him to support this bill.

(Thanks to Tim O'Toole for the heads up on this.)

February 5, 2007 at 09:55 AM in Crime, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


This is a great bill. Obama has already shown his commitment to progressive legislation like this in Illinois, and here's hoping that Richardson will follow suit. The Republican strategy of locking up everyone in sight is a proven failure, and in too many cases leaves the real criminals on the streets. It's time to get smart on crime and take measures that address real criminal justice problems, rather than continuing to parrot empty rhetoric about being "tough on crime."

Posted by: Private Joker | Feb 5, 2007 10:22:11 AM

Barry Scheck's group has done excellent work on making sure innocent people aren't locked up and this bill would be a big help in making sure it happens less and less. I strongly support it and hope Gov. Richardson sees the light and joins us.

Posted by: LW | Feb 5, 2007 10:35:39 AM

SB 5 (the eyewitness ID bill) passed the Senate today by a vote of 22-20. Sounds like there were a lot of progressive heroes (like this Blog) who made this great result possible.

Now onto the House.

Posted by: TPO | Feb 5, 2007 8:51:50 PM

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