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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Fresh Face Brian Colon to Challenge Long-Time Insider Michael Olguin for Dem Party State Chair

DonkanimearNow that current Democratic State Party Chair John Wertheim is calling it quits after four years (phew), talk is all over the New Mexico Dem circuit about who will replace him. NM blogger Joe Monahan is first out of the gate with today's post, describing the pending battle between "new blood" Brian Colon, an Albuquerque attorney and Party activist, and "old blood" Michael Olguin, who owns a Socorro insurance agency and has chaired the Socorro County Dem Party the last four years. Olguin is a former State Representative and House Majority Leader long aligned with former Speaker of the House, Raymond Sanchez.

Olguin is currently a lobbyist for the payday loan industry and others, and has refused to state he will resign those roles if he's elected to chair the Party. He was previously a paid lobbyist for the for-profit corrections industry, a job that reportedly forced him to stop down as a DPNM Vice Chair a few years back over perceptions of a conflict of interest. In 1998, Olguin lost his House seat to Repub Don Tripp, and two years later Raymond Sanchez was ousted as well, bringing in a new era of leadership in the NM House.

Brian Colon is supportive of the newer and generally progressive faces on the statehouse scene, like State Reps Al Park and Moe Maestas, and helped Hector Balderas of Wagon Mound get elected as state auditor. He graduated from UNM Law School in 2001 and was previously active in the Young Democrats of NM, as well as serving on the Executive Committee of the NM Hispanic Bar Association. He is generally free of the kinds of political and ethical baggage that can accummulate on the record of long-time political power players like Olguin, a member of the NM House from 1984-98. Colon was sympathetic to Rep. Ken Martinez's challenge of Rep. Ben Lujan for Speaker of the House this year. Olguin, on the other hand, has long been an ally of Rep. Lujan.

If elected, Olguin is expected to hire Albuquerque South Valley Dem operative Sisto Abeyta to replace the current State Party executive director, Matt Farrauto. Abeyta cites NM Sen. James Taylor as a mentor. No word yet on who Colon would be interested in hiring.

Colon will no doubt get strong support from grassroots Party activists and others tired of business as usual. There has been an ongoing battle within the NM Dem Party between those who want a stronger, more active, transparent Party structure and Party officials and veterans who seem more interested in preserving the status quo than in strengthening the Party's clout and outreach and modernizing its operations. One faction clearly seems to prefer things as they are, with a weak Party structure and most of the power concentrated within the Party's elite and top elected officials. The other faction wants to work for a reinvigorated Party that's more responsive to it members and voters, and eager to try innovative methods to make the Party all it can be at the state and county levels.

I'll be writing much more on Party matters and this race in the coming days and weeks. In the meantime, what do you think about the matchup between Brian Colon and Michael Olguin?

How You Can Get Involved
Dem ward and precinct elections will occur on March 22 in Albuquerque this year, and will help determine who gets to vote for this year's crop of State Central Committee members. Democratic Party of New Mexico State Central Committee members from all over the state will choose the new Dem Chair at its April 28th meeting in Las Cruces. If you'd like to get more information on running for a ward or precinct office in your area, contact the DPNM headquarters at 505-830-3650. We need enthusiastic Dems to fill these important posts and have a chance at participating in the election of the Party's new officers.

February 20, 2007 at 12:38 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink


No question about it. Brian Colon is our man. He will be transparent, inclusive, listen to everyone and allow all democrats to participate.
Trust me. He's a winner!

Posted by: Charlotte | Feb 20, 2007 2:12:58 PM

Brian Colon (there should be an accent over that second "o"; his name is pronounced like the word "cologne") is one of the most sincere, passionate, and well-spoken people I have ever known. He has my whole-hearted support!

Posted by: Lesley | Feb 20, 2007 2:27:24 PM

I know that the accent should be there over the second "o" but I can't figure out how to code the text to show that. So please pretend it's there!

Posted by: barb | Feb 20, 2007 2:47:01 PM

Let's pass the word. With someone like Brian Colon running the party, we could really move ahead and have fun at the same time. I've only met him once or twice at political events but he seems like a terrific guy, energetic, etc. So important that we get as many people elected to vote in the party as we can.

Posted by: | Feb 20, 2007 3:02:20 PM

Michael Olguin is a nice guy but he is of the old school and I don't think he would make a good chair at this time of such change. We need to move the party forward not cling to the past and the old lines of power. We should support Colon.

Posted by: El Norte | Feb 20, 2007 3:16:03 PM

As usual you have told the story like it is. Brian is our man. The election for Chair of the State Democratic Party is going to be the defining opportunity for “Progressives” to transform the way our Party has handled business in the past. It is time for “fresh faces”, “fresh policies”, and “new blood”. No longer can our Party afford to be saddled with the baggage of those good ‘ol boys who would see the status quo.

The stage is set for the battle over the transformation of the Democratic Party of New Mexico.

Self-transformation cannot happen without pain. The Democratic principles of compassion, human-rights advocacy, fairness and historic problem-solving need not be compromised. But its outdated rhetorical habits, interest-group self-indulgences and a newly acquired isolationism will have to be abandoned.

It is time for a transformation into a party that makes sense to a majority of voters in a new political era. We must build a party controlled by citizens, not the elites — with policies that serve to include; and we can reach our goals through an inside strategy – working inside the Democratic Party to build the Progressive base in the party.

It is imperative that people get involved at the Ward and Precinct level. We must have representation at the County Central Committee and we must have representation at the State Central Committee.

Posted by: Mike | Feb 20, 2007 3:41:27 PM

I would be for the Socorro home boy but if he is furthering the predatory lending industry, well...perhaps not. It could be that Olguin has just been a realist. The predatory lending industry has welded tremendous power in this state for quite a while. The predatory loan companies have owned this state's politicians wholesale. Perhaps with the new legislation capping their profits those bad ol' days are done.
Madrid went against them and was stopped (stepped on like a bug) by fellow Dems as well as Reps. Perhaps Richardson finally became embarrassed at the power the lenders flagrantly have welded in New Mexico.
However the predators are curtailed for whatever reason, it is all to the good for voiceless hardworking New Mexicans. These evil exploiters have caused a great deal of suffering.
If Olguin gets "permission" to denounce the predatory lenders, I may yet side with the home boy.

Posted by: qofdisks | Feb 20, 2007 8:42:40 PM

Brian Colon was elected vice chair of my ward (17B), and someone he selected was elected chair. This was at his request, as he said he wouldn't have enough time to do a good job.

I never saw him at a single party or political event after that election. The ward was completely inactive. Not one meeting in two years.

I'm thinking I'd vote for a brick before I'd support him.

Posted by: Michael H Schneider | Feb 20, 2007 9:33:50 PM

Maybe you did not go to the same political events that he went to.
In Socorro where there was lot of tension, Colon handled the election of the chair with humor and ease, when everyone was upset. Were you at the meeting at Highland High? Where you at the meeting to replace the state auditor. I saw him at all those meetings and more. Also that was two years ago and he waited til he was ready and willing to make the time. Give me and him a break!!!

Posted by: charlotte | Feb 20, 2007 10:20:10 PM

Brian Colon is the man for the Job! He is committed and a smart political mind. Viva!

Posted by: Robert | Feb 21, 2007 5:31:33 AM

Out with the old and in with the new! Brian brings a fresh face,a new voice and renewed passion to the job.

Posted by: kent | Feb 21, 2007 8:13:41 AM

Out with the old, bring on the new! Fresh face, fresh voice and renewed energy and passion.
Brian Colon is the man for the job!

Posted by: kent | Feb 21, 2007 8:14:04 AM

No, Charlotte, I wasn't at the Socorro meeting. I'm just a lowly precinct vice-chair in the ward where Colon has been the ward vice-chair for two years.

It's easy to talk about increasing participation, involving people, and improving cmmunication. I'd be much more impressed if I'd actually seen even the slightest action in those directions. If he hasn't done anything in his own ward in two years, why should I believe he'd do better at a higher level in the future?

Posted by: Michael H Schneider | Feb 21, 2007 9:00:05 AM

There's much at stake and if we want to move forward we need to stick together and support Brian Colon, our best chance at changing the Party and opening it up to our members. To harp on minor criticisms seems counterproductive to say the least, whether true or not. From what I have seen on this blog over several years, Mr. Schneider is always whining about something and doing next to nothing to work to change it. Enough said.

If we want to have a truly compromised insider who has made big bucks from the prison and payday loan industries as our leader, let's do nothing and let Michael Olguin get elected -- really SELECTED by the power brokers in the Party.

If we want to have a fresh chance to participate, have an enthusiastic, open, true in touch Democrat at the helm and make real progress, we need to stick together now and strongly support Colon. If we don't, we'll have nothing to say when the Party remains in the hands of some its worst elements. The choice is ours.

Get your friends to run for ward and precinct offices, as well as county and state central committee. If we don't fight for this now we might as well give up.

Posted by: SCC Member | Feb 21, 2007 9:29:14 AM

I've met both Colon and Olguin several times. Both seemed very nice. But I think we need a new direction in New Mexico so I will be supporting Colon. There is too much old baggage with some of our older politicos like Olguin. Its unfortunate but true.

Posted by: Red or Green | Feb 21, 2007 10:33:06 AM

Wow, all this talk about us (new) versus them (old)! What is getting lost in all this is that WE are all Democrats! So if we (new) win the State Chair and have a sizeable representation on the SCC does that mean we (new) won?! What is the message to them (old)? You lost, get lost and take all those (old Dems) that vote with you? Lets get real, most of New Mexico is not of the same demographical makeup of Albuquerque's nob hill. Many of these OLD DEMS truly are what NM looks and thinks like. When do we start to heal our party and unify it? Are we allowing blogs, media & others to further divide us by labeling certain Dems "progressive" and others "old guard"? Hmmmm.....


Posted by: Future SCC Member | Feb 21, 2007 6:14:28 PM

Someone who, for obvious reasons, chose to be anonymous said "From what I have seen on this blog over several years, Mr. Schneider is always whining about something and doing next to nothing to work to change it. Enough said."

The obvious reason is that this is a classic fallacious argument: it's what everyone with any knowledge of logic can identify as an ad hominem. I may be the biggest fool in the world, but that doesn't mean the Mr Colon has ever done anything to improve involvement, participation, or communication within the party.

Frankly, I'm embarrassed to share a party membership with someone who'd make such an asinine argument in public.

I'd like to believe that Mr. Colon would improve the party; I just don't see any evidence in my limited experience to support this hope.

Posted by: Michael H Schneider | Feb 21, 2007 6:25:30 PM

In answer to WSV I'm one of the older Democrats you are talking about and I support Colon. It's not a matter of being old, young or where you're from. It's whether you want a weak Party like we have now or something better. From my long experience in NM party politics I know that there are some people who don't believe in a strong party and like to keep the power to themselves. Many of us are tired of this group because they are so tangled up with lobbying and the dirty money system we've had here for so long.

I think anyone who wants a better party would want to leave the old ways behind. They served their purpose when things were different here but it's time to try different things now and I don't see why most Democrats wouldn't want to support that no matter where they live.

Posted by: Real Old Dem | Feb 21, 2007 6:31:56 PM

Ha, I have heard what some of these old timers have to say about anyone not in the clan. Not exactly "healing and unifying". Face it. They want to hang on to there power whether they deserve it or not. To get a healthy party we need challenges and debates and then we can unify around the winner. That's how democracy works you know.

Posted by: El Norte | Feb 21, 2007 6:46:41 PM

Your blog describes the division between progressive and old school Dems in New Mexico very well. The Dems need to look to proven, talented, and highly committed Democrats like Brian Colon to bridge the divide and empower the Party. Although Brian may seem like the new kid in the "D" camp, I think he'll represent all Democrats extremely well. Brian Colon demonstrates the type of uncommon leadership that would make the Dems proud.

Posted by: Jeff | Mar 22, 2007 9:22:16 PM

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