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Thursday, February 15, 2007

(UPDATED) FRIDAY 2/16/07: Impeachment Day in New Mexico!

Photo credit: Beach Impeach Project, John Montgomery

UPDATE: We won the first battle in the Senate Rules Committee. Check out our report on the Committee hearing and vote!

It's official. Senate Joint Resolution 5, New Mexico's resolution urging impeachment of Bush and Cheney, will be discussed at the Senate Rules Committee on Friday, February 16, 2007. The meeting begins at 8:30 AM in the Santa Fe Roundhouse, Room 321. Google Map.

Each and every supporter of the impeachment effort is encouraged to attend the hearing and to sign up to testify before the committee on behalf of the measure if possible. The bigger the crowd, the more likely it is that the Committee will vote in favor of the resolution. All attendees are urged to be polite and orderly. If you speak to legislators or appear before the Committee, please keep your remarks to the point and respectful despite your passion.

Make These Calls: If you haven't called Committee members to urge them to support SJR 5, please do so. If you've already done so, consider making one more effort TODAY:

Members of the Senate Rules Committee:

  • Senator Linda M. Lopez (D), Chair
  • Senator John T.L. Grubesic (D), Vice Chair
  • Senator Rod Adair (R), Ranking Member
  • Senator Ben D. Altamirano (D)
  • Senator Kent L. Cravens (R)
  • Senator Dianna J. Duran (R)
  • Senator Dede Feldman (D)
  • Senator Steve Komadina (R)
  • Senator Cisco McSorley (R)

Any Senator at the Roundhouse can be reached at (505) 986-4300.

It's also critical to keep contacting your Senators and the swing Democratic Senators who might make the difference between victory and defeat when the resolution reaches the Senate Floor. Below are key Dem Senators who have not yet expressed their support for the impeachment resolution:

  • Sen. Ben Altamirano, District 28, Catron, Grant & Socorro Counties
  • Sen. Michael Sanchez, District 29, Valencia County
  • Sen. Mary Kay Papen, District 38, Dona Ana County
  • Sen. David Ulibarri, District 30, Cibola, Socorro & Valencia Counties
  • Sen. Lidio Rainaldi, District 4, Cibola & McKinley
  • Sen. Richard Martinez, District 5, Los Alamos, Rio Arriba & Santa Fe Counties

Any Senator at the Roundhouse can be reached at (505) 986-4300.

If you know people in their districts, call them and get them to call their Legislators. We will need every Democratic Senator to vote with us on this one. To find out who represents you, click here and search by zip code.

If you need more information about this impeachment effort, talking points to use when speaking to legislators, etc., visit our archive of impeachment posts and browse our series of posts on this issue. Another good source is the Land of Impeachment page at AfterDowningStreet.com.

February 15, 2007 at 03:47 PM in Impeachment, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (1)

Guild Cinema Hosts Albuquerque Latino Film Festival


The CineMás Albuquerque Latino Film Festival is New Mexico’s premiere Latina/o Festival showcasing Latina/o filmmakers and films that focus on Latin America’s social and cultural themes.

Critically acclaimed films are shown alongside works of emerging filmmakers, in a variety of genres, from different countries and cultures. Come and see features, short films and documentaries that will showcase the creative diversity of Latino filmmaking. For final schedule and showtimes visit https://www.cinemasfestival.com for complete information. Also featured will be highlights from Los Angeles’ Cine Sin Fin Festival. Some films will be shown at the National Hispanic Cultural Center and a couple other venues. Check schedule.

February 15, 2007 at 03:45 PM in Film | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tonight: DPBC Third Thursday Meeting to Tackle Intelligent Design vs. Science in the Classroom

Kickem_2From the DPBC e-news:
The Democratic Party of Bernalillo County will hold its regular Third Thursday Meeting on February 15 at 6:00 PM at the UNM Law School, Room 2402. Click for map. The topic will be the Impact on Public School Education of Non-Science in the Science Classroom. The speakers will be be Dr. Marshall Berman and M. Kim Johnson. All Democrats are welcome.

Two bills and two joint memorials -- SB 371, SJM 9, HB 506, HJM 14 -- have been introduced in the New Mexico House and Senate to “ensure that teachers have the right and freedom to teach biological origins objectively.” They use words like “scientific theories,” “credentialed scientists,” “strengths and weaknesses,” and “critically analyze.” In reality, these are euphemisms intended to cover the real intent, which is to allow teachers to teach material generated from the Intelligent Design creationist movement. We will discuss how disingenuous this legislation is, and how it will damage science education in New Mexico.

To receive the DPBC e-news, send your name, email address and county to dpbc@att.net.

February 15, 2007 at 02:25 PM in Democratic Party, Education | Permalink | Comments (0)

Iraq Escalation: Heather Wilson Tries to Have It Both Ways

Surprise. Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM-01), has been critical of the Iraq occupation ever since she won her latest two-year term by a margin of only a few hundred votes. However, her criticism only goes so far. Yesterday she took to the House floor to comment about the pending resolution expressing disapproval for Bush's latest transparent band-aid of a solution to the chaotic fiasco. Instead of voting in line with her previous negative responses to Bush's plans, she claimed she couldn't vote for the resolution because it was too "vague." Oh, and did you know the Dems really want to take the bullets and body armor away from troops on the ground? Since the resolution doesn't say they DON'T want to do that, Heather can't support it. Quote:

"The resolution intentionally leaves unanswered the question of whether we will fund the bullets and body armor for troops who are not there yet but are going. I believe a majority of this House would vote to equip and support the men and women being sent there, even if they question the President's strategy ... The language in this resolution is clever. But this isn’t a time for clever.

Read the text of the resolution. Seems mighty clear and direct to me. I'd like to think Wilson was teary-eyed and quivering in her statement yesterday because she has a guilty conscience. Given her serious criticisms of the escalation tactics, she has to be aware of just how meaningless and dangerous it will be to shove 21,000+ more troops in the middle of a raging, bloody civil war and insurgency. Yet she can't bring herself to do the right thing and vote for the resolution, despite its nonbinding nature. I wonder how the Bush team "convinced" her to refrain from a true expression of her views in the vote. Campaign fundraising for her next election comes to mind, but that's just me.

MoveOn and others are urging folks in Wilson's district to call her NOW to urge her to change her mind. Here are the numbers: in Washington DC (202) 225-6316; in Albuquerque (505) 346-6781.

By the way, you can see video clips of a number of House Dems making statements about the Iraq resolution, plus lots of other stuff, at House Speaker Pelosi's new blog, The Gavel.

Also, Sen. Harry Reid just announced that the U.S. Senate will vote on the U.S. House resolution about the Iraq escalation this coming Saturday. Straight up or down vote on the simple resolution. Period. The House vote is expected to happen on Friday.

February 15, 2007 at 11:15 AM in Iraq War, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (7)

C-SPAN to Air First Dem Prez Forum: Carson City, Nevada, 2/21/07

BillhowardAs reported in Jeff Jones' Richardson Watch in the Albuquerque Journal:

GOING LIVE: Want to see how Gov. Bill Richardson stacks up during his first presidential candidate forum? If you've got cable TV, you're in luck: C-SPAN is planning to carry live coverage of next week's Democratic forum in Nevada. Richardson is among a field of eight Democratic hopefuls scheduled to take part in the Feb. 21 forum in Carson City.

The forum will be moderated by George Stephanopoulos, host of ABC's "This Week" news show. Each of the candidates will give a brief introduction and will field a series of questions. The event starts at noon PST (1 PM New Mexico time).

Other candidates scheduled to appear with Richardson are Sen. Hillary Clinton, former vice presidential nominee John Edwards, former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, Sen. Chris Dodd, Sen. Joe Biden, former Sen. Mike Gravel and Rep. Dennis Kucinich.

I'd imagine that C-SPAN will also be streaming the event on their website and/or providing video afterwards. Does anyone else find it odd that Barack Obama isn't participating? Or is it just that he doesn't intend to mount a serious effort in Nevada, which will hold its caucuses on January 19?

Further front-loading the Dems' primary schedule, California's legislature just voted to move their primary up from June to the first Tuesday in February -- making them the fifth presidential primary behind Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. Ten other states already hold Democratic primaries on the first Tuesday of February. Texas, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey and a number of other states are also contemplating moving their primaries to that date.

The tentative 2008 Democratic presidential primary calendar:

Iowa caucuses: January 14

Nevada caucuses: January 19

New Hampshire primary: January 22

South Carolina primary: January 29

Arizona, Alabama, Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma and Vermont: Super Tuesday, February 5 (with many more states contemplating moving their later primaries to this date)

The schedule is still in flux, with New Hampshire upset about the DNC decision to allow Nevada to hold its caucuses before their primary, traditionally the second contest in the presidential candidate selection process.

What does it all mean? Most probably, that the Dem presidential nominee will be selected by the end of Super Tuesday. Any states holding their primaries after that date will make no difference in the selection process. Also, any candidates who want to stay in the race after Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada will be forced to come up with big bucks to pay for the expensive media buys and other campaign expenses needed to seriously compete on Super Tuesday. They'll have only two weeks to do so, making it that much harder for candidates not in the so-called "top tier" to succeed, at least in theory.

One factor to keep in mind: in 2004 Howard Dean raised more money than any other Dem candidate and he did it very quickly and mostly over the internet, with thousands of small donations. Whoever wins the hearts of the net roots communities could benefit from a similar outpouring of campaign contributions to keep them viable.

(Photo credit: REUTERS/Joshua Roberts; Bill Richardson shakes hands with DNC Chair Howard Dean at DNC Winter Meeting in Washington, February 3, 2007)

February 15, 2007 at 09:55 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink | Comments (0)

Equality NM Legislative Update: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

From Equality New Mexico: Busy Week at the Legislature

Scheduled for Hearing this Thursday, February 15
HB 603, The Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act has been scheduled for public hearing in the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee meeting this Thursday, February 1, 2007, at 1:30 PM in Room 315 of the Roundhouse.

This Domestic Partnership legislation is the centerpiece of our legislative agenda this year.  If it passes, HB603 would allow any two non-familial adults in an intimate relationship to form a domestic partnership.  This domestic partnership would provide the couple with all of the rights, protections and responsibilities available to married couples on the state level.   


The House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee is the first stop for this legislation, but we need to make a good showing. Equality New Mexico needs your help.  We need people in the committee room who support this legislation to send a message to the legislators that our families deserve protection.

Senate Bill 502: Amending Retiree Health Care Act Defeated In Senate Judiciary: On Friday, February 9, Senator Grubesic’s Bill to amend the Retiree Health Care Act, thereby providing health insurance to domestic partners of retired public employees was indefinitely tabled in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

After a lengthy debate in which the Republicans in the Committee attempted to amend the Bill to remove the language defining domestic partner, the Committee finally voted.  The vote was tied 4-4, with Senators Grubesic, McSorley, Lopez, and Martinez voting in favor and Senators Rainaldi, Adair, Harden and Cravens voting against. Senators William Payne and Michael Sanchez were not present during the vote. When a tie vote occurs in a committee, the bill is automatically tabled until someone changes their vote. 

While this Bill is essentially dead in committee, there is still litigation pending to resolve this matter and Equality New Mexico is continuing its aggressive lobbying efforts to pass other pieces of legislation to benefit LGBT families.

Senate Bill 182: Health Insurance for Domestic Partners Passes Senate Judiciary with Bad Amendment: On February 12, 2007, the Senate Judiciary passed Senate Bill 182, the bill that would require insurance companies to provide health insurance to domestic partners if employer’s requested, by a 6-4 vote.  Don’t celebrate yet.  The Bill was passed with an absurd amendment.  After much debate, led by the Republicans in the Committee, the Bill was Amended to take out the term “Domestic Partner” and replace it with the term “Contractual Household Member.”  If your first reaction is “HUH?!?” that is the point.  The amendment makes the bill so vague that it is unlikely to pass on the Senate Floor, which is its next stop.


House Bill 15, the mirror Bill that was brought in the House, remains intact.  It has already passed the entire House and is now in the Senate and currently assigned to Senate Public Affairs Committee and Senate Corporations and Transportation Committee.  It does not have to go through Senate Judiciary.

Marriage Bill Introduced: On Friday, Senator Cisco McSorley (D-Albuquerque), introduced Senate Bill 1003: A Bill to Change the Marriage Form. This Bill would alter the marriage form to replace the terms “bride” and “groom” with “Applicant 1” and “Applicant 2.”  Currently, New Mexico’s marriage statute is gender neutral.  However, County Clerks still cannot issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.*

*The denial of same-sex couples right to marry is based on a non-binding letter, issued by the Attorney General in 2004, stating her opinion that the statutory form which lists "bride" and "groom" prohibited marriage between same sex couples.  Senate Bill 1003 amends that section of the statutes to make the application form gender neutral.   

Equality New Mexico is committed to the pursuit of full equality for ALL New Mexicans.  We applaud Senator McSorley and all of the legislators who are committed to equality and support this legislation.  We will continue to update you as hearings are scheduled.

February 15, 2007 at 06:00 AM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (3)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My Snowy Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day, readers,
on another beautiful, snowy day in Albuquerque
Keith Haring sends a heart supported
Heart of snow
Thanks to Simon the Jester for the neocon version:
heart of stone

I'm going crazy trying to track all the important bills at the NM Legislature so I had to post something more nurturing, for all concerned. You're probably being driven crazy by all my reportage on legislation as well. Call about this! Email about that! Attend this hearing! Tedious, to say the least, but necessary when a 60-day session is roaring up in Santa Fe and so much is at stake.

At least that's what I tell myself when I start questioning my dedication and start dreaming about being so disconnected from politics that I'd be gazing dreamily out the window at the snow today while listening to some Pat Metheny or Joni Mitchell. Ah, sometimes I pine for the perks of a politics-free life. But then I remember I'm living in America in the 21st century. And just think how the legislators, staffers, lobbyists and the rest of the crowd that has to pretty much live in the Roundhouse for two months feels right about now, with not even half of the session completed. I do have compassion.

Anyway, hope all of you fit some sweetness and light and love into today's experiences, whether you have an "official" Valentine or not. After all, as Voltaire wrote,

Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination.

Now, go savor some xo-co-latl if you can. Then watch this:

We were talking
about the space between us all
and people who hide themselves
behind a wall of illusion
never glimpse the truth
then it's far too late
when they pass away

We were talking
about the love we all could share
When we find it
to try our best to hold it there
with our love, with our love
we could save the world
if they only knew

Try to realize it's all within yourself
no one else can make you change
And to see you're really only very small
and life flows on within you and without you

We were talking
about the love that's gone so cold
and the people who gain the world
and lose their soul
They don't know, they can't see
Are you one of them?

When you've seen beyond yourself
then you may find
peace of mind is waiting there
And the time will come
when you see we're all one
and life flows on within you and without you

February 14, 2007 at 02:22 PM in Visuals | Permalink | Comments (4)

Rep. Lujan's Version of Minimum Wage Bill Passes House Labor Committee

House Bill 759, Rep. Ben Lujan's version of the minimum wage bill, passed the NM House Labor Committee yesterday on a 4-2 vote along Party lines. This is the bill being backed by progressives and labor and poverty activists. The Committee also passed Sen. Ben Altamirano's wage bill, Senate Bill 324, which was previously passed by the full Senate, after amending it to match Rep. Lujan's. Gov. Bill Richardson prefers the Senate version. I was going to discuss the bills here but discovered that Las Cruces blogger Heath Haussamen has a terrific rundown on what happened and why. Click to check it out.

The bills go next to the House Business and Industry Committee. Click for contact info on the members and encourage them to support HB 759.

February 14, 2007 at 01:14 PM in Labor, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Act Now to Stop Delay in NM Universal Health Coverage

From the Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign:
Hearing on Senate Bill 721 Moved to Thursday! Senate Bill 721, the companion bill to Senate Bill 720 (the Health Security Act), has been scheduled for a hearing tomorrow, Thursday, February 15, in the Senate Public Affairs Committee.

Senate Bill 721 (Health Security Act Financing Options) is the appropriations bill for the first year of the Health Security Act and will finance a cost analysis of the Health Security Plan. This financial study is the first step in implementing the Health Security Plan. It also enables the legislature to get an important second opinion once the results of the Governor's task force study are made public in June.

Powers That Be Trying to Kill Health Security Act? Last night in the Senate Public Affairs Committee, Senate Bill 721 was originally scheduled to be automatically moved on to the Senate Finance Committee along with other bills that contained funding. Senator Cisneros, the bill's sponsor, had been told that it was not necessary for him to be there, so he was not present when Senator Papen made the request that the bill be pulled from the others because she had questions.

Our Executive Director was asked to answer Senator Papen's questions. Then testimony in opposition was presented by Secretary of Human Services Pam Hyde (who maintained that she is neither for or against the Health Security Act), the Lovelace lobbyist, the Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, and a few others, all of whom made the argument that the legislators should wait for the results of the Governor's task force study, which includes analysis of the Health Security Plan.

Because the sponsor was not there, the committee agreed to hold the hearing on Thursday, when he could be present.

The opposition will continue to push the "wait for the results of the study" argument in order to kill the Health Security Act.

We need to continue to put pressure on our legislators to let them know that there is strong public support to pass the Health Security Act now.

Where and When: The Senate Public Affairs Committee will begin hearing bills on Thursday afternoon after the Senate floor session ends. The Public Affairs Committee usually meets in Room 321 in the State Capitol. Check with Senator Feldman’s office (986-4482, Room 303) for the committee agenda and hearing room number. Please come to the hearing! Your presence is very important. The committee needs to see public support for this bill!

Time to Call Public Affairs Committee Senators!
No matter who your senator is, please call Dede Feldman (986-4482), the chair of the Public Affairs Committee, and urge her to support Senate Bill 721, Health Security Act Financing Options. If your senator is on the Public Affairs Committee (see list below), please call today and ask him or her to support Senate Bill 721, Health Security Act Financing Options. If you have friends or relatives in any of these senators’ districts, please ask them to call their senator today to urge him or her to support Senate Bill 721, Health Security Act Financing Options. These phone calls are critical to ensuring passage of Senate Bill 721 in the Senate Public Affairs Committee on Thursday. Please call today!

Senate Public Affairs Committee Members
Sen. Dede Feldman, Chair (D) – Senate District 13 (Albuquerque): 986-4482
Sen. Mary Jane M. Garcia, Vice Chair (D) – Senate District 36 (Las Cruces): 986-4726
Sen. Steve Komadina, Ranking Member (R) – Senate District 9 (Corrales, Rio Rancho): 986-4377
Sen. Stuart Ingle (R) – Senate District 27 (Portales): 986-4702
Sen. Gay G. Kernan (R) – Senate District 42 (Hobbs): 986-4274
Sen. Steven P. Neville (R) – Senate District 2 (San Juan County): 986-4266
Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino (D) – Senate District 12 (Albuquerque): 986-4380
Sen. Mary Kay Papen (D) – Senate District 388 (Las Cruces): 986-4270
Sen. David Ulibarri (D) – Senate District 30 (Cibola County): 986-4265

Update on Senate Bill 720 (the Health Security Act)
Senate Bill 720 (the Health Security Act), which was passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday, has not yet been scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Finance Committee. We will let you know when we have more information! If you have any questions, contact Josette at 771-8763 or jhaddad@cableone.net.

February 14, 2007 at 11:45 AM in Healthcare, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Ethics Reform Bill Limiting Gifts Passed Unanimously by NM House Committee

From NM House Democratic Leadership:
Yesterday the NM House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee passed HB 819cs — the Gift Act sponsored by Rep. Gail Chasey (D-Albuquerque) — with a unanimous vote of 6 to 0. The Gift Act is part of the comprehensive ethics and campaign reform package that has been presented by House Democrats based on the recommendations of the Governor’s Task Force on Ethics Reform. 

Rep. Chasey said, “There is currently no law in New Mexico that regulates gifts to candidates, elected officials, or state employees. This bill will set the parameters of what is acceptable and legal for everyone, including lobbyists or companies doing business with the state and the recipient of the gifts.”

The Gift Act defines a gift as a donation or transfer of money, property, service, loan, or any other thing of value such as food, lodging, transportation, and tickets for entertainment or sporting events. The act restricts the value of a gift to no more than $250. Lobbyists or government contractors could not give more than $1,000 in gifts to an elected official or state employee in any one year.

The definition of a gift does not include the following: campaign contributions as defined under state and federal law, a gift from a close family member or friend, reasonable compensation for services, a loan from a traditional lender on terms that are available to all similarly qualified borrowers, or a retirement gift. It also does not include reasonable expenses for a bona fide educational program that is directly related to the state officer’s or employee’s official duties.

The act outlines those individuals or entities that would be considered “restricted donors.” Restricted donors would include those doing business with the state, professional groups or industries that would substantially benefit from the execution of the official duties of the recipient of the gift, or a registered lobbyist with the state.

Editor's Note: For more on the bills that comprise this year's ethics reform package, see our previous post. The bill will be heard next in the House Judiciary Committee. Click for contact info on its members. Please call or write to urge their support.

February 14, 2007 at 11:40 AM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (1)