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Monday, February 26, 2007
House Floor Vote Tuesday: Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act
From Equality New Mexico:
House Bill 603, the Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act, has a floor vote in the NM House scheduled for this Tuesday, February 27th at 11:00 AM. By a vote of 9-4, HB 603 passed out of the House Judiciary Committee on Friday, February 23rd.
This will be a very close vote and we will need to fill the gallery with our supporters. Between now and Tuesday’s hearing, we will also need to reach out to all of those legislators who are on the fence. Our current online campaign is designed to target those legislators from whom we still don’t have firm commitments. Your letters and phone calls can make a difference.
Click here to send a letter to the undecided representatives and ask them to support House Bill 603.
Along with our online campaign, we need you to make personal contact with the legislators and their staff. Below is a list of targeted legislators that need an additional push to support this important legislation. Please call their offices and visit them at the Roundhouse.
Rep. Janice Arnold-Jones (R, Bernalillo-24), 505.986.4451
Rep. Andrew Barreras (D, Valencia-7), 505.986.4243
Rep. Mary Helen Garcia (D, Dona Ana-34), 505.986.4435
Rep. Thomas Garcia (D, Colfax, Guad, Mora, S.M. & Taos-68), 505.986.4242
Rep. Roberto "Bobby" Gonzales (D, Taos-42), 505.986.4235
Rep. Manuel Herrera (D-Grants-39), 505.986.4233
Rep. Dona Irwin (D-Luna-32), 505.986.4249
Rep. Andy Nunez (D-Dona Ana-36), 505.986.4423
Rep. Jane E. Powdrell-Culbert (R-Sandoval-44), 505.986.4467
Rep. Debbie Rodella (D-Rio Arriba, Sandoval & Taos-41), 505.986.4329
Rep. Dan Silva (D-Bernalillo-13), 505.986.4425
February 26, 2007 at 10:50 AM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Barsamian to Report on Iran Trip
From Stop the War Machine:Target: Iran - David Barsamian
Friday, March 9, 7 PM
Smith-Brasher Hall
Central NM Community College
(SE corner of Coal and University)
Click for flyer (doc)
David Barsamian, the founder and director of Alternative Radio, is just back from a trip to Iran. As the Bush Administration increases its threats toward Iran what are the prospects for war? What do Iranians think and say about Washington actions? David will travel to Albuquerque for a report on his eyewitness experience.
Barsamian, who is Armenian, speaks some Farsi and is knowledgeable about the politics and culture of Iran and the Middle East. His forthcoming book is "Targeting Iran." Click for more info on David Barsamian.
For event information contact: Bob Anderson at StoptheWarMachine@comcast.net,
858-0882. David is available for interviews early Friday and appearances in other cities on Saturday.
Contact Barsamian directly at
Alternative Radio
PO Box 551
Boulder, CO 80306-0551
1-800-444-1977; fax: 303-245-8292
February 26, 2007 at 10:05 AM in Events, Middle East | Permalink | Comments (1)
Sunday, February 25, 2007
(Updated) Anne Kass: My Take on the Impeachment Resolution Hearing at Senate Public Affairs
UPDATE: Good news! According to Las Cruces blogger Heath Haussamen, Democratic Sen. Mary Kay Papen (D-Doña Ana 38), was allowed to add her yes vote to the tally on the impeachment resolution since she was present for most of the committee hearing Sunday, making the final Do Pass margin 4-2. Another Democratic member of Public Affairs, Sen. Mary Jane Garcia (D-Doña Ana 36) has signed on to the resolution as a cosponsor even though she wasn't able to attend Sunday's hearing. Hurrah for Senators Papen and Garcia!
A terrific report on today's hearing before the New Mexico Senate Public Affairs Committee on SJR 5, impeachment of Cheney and Bush, from Anne Kass, expanding on my earlier brief post:
The Senate Public Affairs Committee met today to hear Senate Joint Resolution 5--a call to impeach George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. The Resolution got a "do pass" recommendation from the Committee on a 3 to 2 vote.
A gathering of supporters of the Resolution met at 1:30, where we were joined by a Senate staffer who explained to us that it was generally the view of Legislators that the Committee meeting last week--before Senate Rules--where the 4 Republican Senators were "too busy" to attend, was too "wild." Someone mentioned the word disrespectful, to which I took offense, as did others. That hearing was boisterous, passionate and exuberant, but never disrespectful. In any case, we were cautioned to mind our manners--and we did, or at least I think we did. Unfortunately, when the Resolution received the 3 to 2 Do Pass recommendation, applause broke out, which may have rendered us, yet again, an unruly bunch in need of yet more manners lectures when this matter comes before Senate Judiciary, hopefully soon.
The Committee meeting began at 2:40. Present were Democrats: the Chair, Dede Feldman, Jerry Ortiz y Pino and, at the beginning Mary Kay Papen (who left after about 45 minutes of public comment and who did not return for the vote). David Ulibarri came and went, but was there at the end when it counted, and voted "do pass" for the Resolution. Mary Jane Garcia (Las Cruces) for some reason couldn't be bothered to attend any of the hearing. (I wonder how that minding one's manners thing works, exactly.) Majority Leader Michael Sanchez appeared for part of the hearing, as he did with the Rules Committee Hearing.
The Republicans apparently decided they didn't want any more photos of four empty chairs, so present from that Party were Steven Neville (Aztec), Stuart Ingle (Portales) and Gay Kernan (Hobbs), although Senator Kernan left the meeting just as the Chair was about to call for the vote--hmmmm. Steve Komadina (Corrales) couldn't be bothered to attend the hearing, as he couldn't be bothered at the Rules Committee Hearing as well.
As with the Rules Committee, the room was packed at least a half hour before the Hearing began and the estimate was that 50 people or more were in the Hall. I think the Committee Room, which was SRO, holds about 100 citizens. As with the Rules Committee, more people signed up to speak than there was time to hear. As with the Rules Committee, the citizens made me proud.
Retired Representative Max Coll appeared to talk in support of the Resolution. Several teenagers, complete with facial piercings, spoke as compellingly as anyone present--one of them, a young woman, noted that she felt like she was living in a science fiction novel and mentioned that she'd just finished reading 1984 and found current reality more scary than that. A woman spoke wondering how the absent Senators were going to learn about what the citizens had to say and noted that her son was so upset with the United States that he's become an expatriate. Several speakers seemed to me to be Republicans, one from the southern part of New Mexico.
Dallas Timmons said that although she couldn't know for sure what Thomas Jefferson actually had in mind when he wrote the provision that allows a State Legislature to initiate impeachment proceedings, she had a hunch that it was because he knew that State Legislators would be closer to the people than the elected officials in Washington. She told the Committee they were the last chance we-the-people had and that she hoped they would recognize how sincere and serious we all are and act to send this Resolution to Washington D.C.
And so they came to the microphone, young, old, middle aged, men, women young people, Democrats, Republicans, one and all expressing their sadness, their outrage, their disappointment, their fear. It was moving and inspiring, and I'm sorry that any of you reading these words who weren't there missed it.
Chair Feldman asked if there was anyone in the room to talk in opposition. Not a peep. She called for comments from the Committee. Not a peep from the Republicans. So Chair Feldman thanked Senators Ortiz y Pino and Grubesic and spoke of her own views about the seriousness of the allegations and evidence against Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney, and then she called for the vote. The two Republicans voted no. The three Democrats voted yes. If Senator Gay Kernan had not left the hearing and had voted yes, it would have been tied, which I believe would have been a "no recommendation" which is neutral, as opposed to a "do not pass" recommendation which would have killed the Resolution.
So now it's on to Senate Judiciary, chaired by Cisco McSorley. We were told that it has been arranged to have a live hook-up with Elizabeth Holtzman, a former Congresswoman who wrote The Impeachment of George Bush, who will testify to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
We need a strong presence at the Senate Judiciary Hearing. This thing is gathering steam!
Anne Kass
Editor's Note: You can watch Elizabeth Holzman speak about impeachment here.
February 25, 2007 at 09:22 PM in Blogging by Anne Kass, Impeachment, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (5)
(Updated) NM Impeachment Resolution Passes Second Committee, Senate Public Affairs, 4-2
UPDATE: Good news! According to Las Cruces blogger Heath Haussamen, Democratic Sen. Mary Kay Papen (D-Doña Ana 38), was allowed to add her yes vote to the tally on the impeachment resolution since she was present for most of the committee hearing Sunday, making the final Do Pass margin 4-2. Another Democratic member of Public Affairs, Sen. Mary Jane Garcia (D-Doña Ana 36) has signed on to the bill as a cosponsor even though she wasn't able to attend Sunday's hearing. Hurrah for Senators Papen and Garcia!
SJR 5, the New Mexico impeachment resolution, passed the NM Senate Public Affairs Committee this afternoon by a vote of 3-2! Once again the hearing room was packed, with many left standing and even more trailing out into the hallway. Not one person spoke against the measure during about an hour and 15 minutes of testimony. Particularly moving were a passionate speech from a gentleman from Carrizozo, who led off the testimony, and an eloquent and heartfelt statement by another gentleman who had been a history professor for more than 30 years.
Dems present and voting to pass the resolution were:
Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino, (D-Bernalillo 12), the bill's original co-sponsor (along with Rep. John Grubesic)
Sen. Dede Feldman, (D-Bernalillo 13), Committee Chair
Sen. David Ulibarri (D-Cibola, Socorro, Valencia) of Grants [no photo available]
A big thank you goes out to these three patriotic State Senators! If you'd like to tell them how much you appreciate their votes, click on their names above for their contact information.
Two Democrats Don't Vote
Although another Dem, Sen. Mary Kay Papen (D-Dona Ana 38), was present for most of the hearing, she left without voting on the measure. The other Dem on the Committee, Sen. Mary Jane Garcia (D-Dona Ana 36), who had previously signed on as a cosponsor of SJR 5, was not in attendance and may have been busy at another committee hearing.
Committee Republicans
Three Repubs attended most of the hearing, although one left near the end and did not vote, thus giving the measure only two nay votes, by Senators Stuart Ingle (R-Chaves, Curry, De Baca & Roosevelt) and Steven Neville (R-San Juan). At the start of the hearing, Ingle also motioned to table the resolution. It failed by a vote of 3-3, with the three Democrats present voting nay and Sen. Gay Kernan (R-Chaves, Curry, Eddy, Lea & Roosevelt) joining Ingle and Neville voting yes.
With a victory previously in the Senate Rules Committee and now this one in Public Affairs, the impeachment resolution moves next to the NM Senate Judiciary Committee. If it passes there, it would go to the full Senate for a vote.
Also see Anne Kass' post on today's Committee hearing for her take on the hearing.
To read our previous posts about the NM impeachment resolution, visit our impeachment archive.
February 25, 2007 at 05:04 PM in Impeachment, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (1)
Win, Al, Win; Run, Al, Run
UPDATE: An Inconvenient Truth won best documentary, and Melissa's song for the film also got an Oscar. Think Progress has video of all the Gore moments from Oscar night.
I'm pulling for Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth to win the Oscar tonight in the documentary category. The film's director, Davis Guggenheim, has said he'll bring President-In-Exile Al Gore up on stage to say a few words if they win. Melissa Etheridge's song from the movie, I Need to Wake Up (above), is also up for an Oscar in the song category and she'll be performing it tonight at the broadcast. Here's the official website for the 79th Academy Awards, which will be hosted by Ellen DeGeneris this year (6:00 PM Mountain, ABC).
Then there's Jimmy Carter, who endorsed Gore for president today during an interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC's This Week:
Carter lavished praise on "(his) favorite Democrat) former Vice President Al Gore. "If Al should decide to run -- which I'm afraid he won't -- I would support Al Gore."
"His burning issue now is global warming and preventing it. He can do infinitely more to accomplish that goal as in the incumbent in the White House, than he can making even movies that get -- you know, that get Oscars."
... Despite public pressure from Carter and others, the former President does not believe Gore will make a second bid for the White House saying, "I don't think he will. I've put so much pressure on Al to run that he's almost gotten aggravated with me."
Carter told Stephanopoulos that he had not called Gore "lately" adding, "He almost told me, the last time I talked, 'Don't call me anymore.'"
... "I really have not expressed any public approval or endorsement or preference for any of the Democratic candidates except (Gore)."
If you haven't yet read it, do check out Run, Al, Run by Tim Dickinson in a recent Rolling Stone.
And, if you haven't yet seen An Inconvenient Truth, you can get a free DVD of the film at Share the Truth. If you've already seen it, you can also make a donation there to cover the costs for someone else to see it via the free DVD offer.
You can view a video of the entire slide show put together by Gore, upon which the film is based, by visiting Climate Change Action.
February 25, 2007 at 01:47 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Environment, Film, Music | Permalink | Comments (1)
REMINDER: NM Public Affairs Committee Hearing on NM Impeachment Resolution Today, 2PM
A large crowd is needed in Santa Fe today to show there's strong support for SJR 5, requesting that the U.S. Congress initiate impeachment proceedings against Bush and Cheney. If you can't be there today, please contact members of the Senate Public Affairs Committee. See our previous post for details. Last minute update from Robb Chavez:
Leland Lehrman says the Impeachment support group will meet at 1:30 PM in the Roundhouse rotunda to make plans, including making a suggested speaker list. The Public Affairs Committee, chaired by Albuquerque's Sen. Dede Feldman, has apparently tentatively agreed to hear only 15 witnesses. That may change if there's a strong enough turnout. The Committee may meet as early as 2 PM, but no later than 2:30.
February 25, 2007 at 10:54 AM in Impeachment, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Same Day Voter Registration Passes House Consumer & Public Affairs
From the House Democratic Leadership:
Santa Fe, NM – A bill that would allow same-day voter registration was heard in House Consumer & Public Affairs this past week. HB 860, introduced by Rep. Jim Trujillo (D-Santa Fe), was passed on to the Voters and Elections Committee with no recommendation with a 6 to 0 vote.
House Bill 860 permits same-day registration in primary and general elections at a polling place in the county in which the voter resides. It would then allow the voter to cast a provisional ballot. Unlike other same-day registration proposals made earlier in the session [most of them now tabled], this bill would not require a photo or government ID to be presented.
Rep. Trujillo said, “Same-day voter registration will increase participation in our democracy. Everyone is very busy these days and it is important that citizens who want to vote be allowed to do so. This bill will also serve to increase the voter roles. Once someone registers they will be able to vote in all following elections. It’s important that we do every thing we can to bring people into the process.”
Eight states allow registration and voting on the day of an election. In New Mexico a voter must be registered 28 days before any type of election to qualify to vote in that election.
February 25, 2007 at 10:29 AM in Election Reform & Voting, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Saturday, February 24, 2007
ALERT: Concerns Raised About Proposed ABQ Clean Elections Regulations
From Common Cause NM:
Albuquerque- Common Cause New Mexico is raising concerns about recently released by the Albuquerque City Clerk for the upcoming 2007 municipal election. The regulations were developed to administer the "Open and Ethical Elections" charter amendment that was approved by Albuquerque voters in 2005.
At stake is the proper functioning of the public funding provisions of the new law, according to Matt Brix, Executive Director of Common Cause.
"Albuquerque voters passed the Open and Ethical Elections Referendum by an overwhelming 70% margin back in October 2005, making us the first city in the country to pass a clean elections measure by popular referendum," says Brix. "Over a year has passed and the 2007 municipal election cycle is already underway. Making sure we get these regulations right has become an urgent task, if the new system is to run smoothly as the voters intended."
The Albuquerque City Clerk is holding a hearing to receive public comment on the new regulations this Monday, February 26, at 3 PM in the City Council Chambers.
"There has been a good faith effort to prepare these regulations for public review," says Brix, "but several critical areas need fixing and Monday's hearing is the public's final opportunity to fix these problems."
Common Cause has identified a number of problem areas in the new regulations, such as:
- Inconsistencies with the reporting requirements for seed money contributions and regular campaign contributions. The City left out disclosure of a contributor's business and occupation in the reporting requirement for seed money contributors.
- Rules that define what independent versus coordinated expenditures are.
- Vague language that could delay by weeks matching funds to a candidate whose opponent exceeds the voluntary limit on expenditures.
Editor's Note: Those concerned about the proper implementation of the Albuquerque Open and Ethical Elections amendment are urged to attend Monday's hearing. You can also send your comments to the Albuquerque City Clerk and urge her to respond appropriately to the concerns raised by Common Cause:
Millie U. Santillanes, City Clerk
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1293; Albuquerque, NM 87103
Physical Address: City-County Bldg., One Civic Plaza, 11th Fl.
Phone: (505) 768-3030; Fax: (505) 768-2845
Email: msantillanes@cabq.gov
February 24, 2007 at 12:43 PM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (1)
NM Senate Finance to Hear Health Security Act Sunday
Editor's Note: The Health Security Act will be heard in Santa Fe on Sunday, the same day the NM impeachment resolution is scheduled to be heard. If you're up there for that, try to stop in at this hearing as well. And either way, please contact the legislators noted below.
From the Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign:
Come to the Hearing This Sunday! The hearing on Senate Bill 720 (the Health Security Act) in the Senate Finance Committee is still scheduled for Sunday, February 25. The Senate Finance Committee will begin hearing bills on Sunday at 1:30 PM in Room 322 at the State Capitol.
Please come to the hearing! We really need you there! It's absolutely critical for the Senate Finance Committee to see how much public support the Health Security Act has.
It's Not Too Late to Call Finance Committee Senators!
If your senator is on the Senate Finance Committee (see list below), please call and ask him or her to support Senate Bill 720, the Health Security Act.
If you have friends or relatives in any of these senators’ districts, please ask them to call their senator to urge him or her to support Senate Bill 720, the Health Security Act. These phone calls will have a big impact on what happens in the Senate Finance Committee on Sunday!
Senate Finance Committee Members
- Sen. Timothy Z. Jennings, Co-Chair (D) – Senate District 32 (Chaves, Eddy, Lincoln, and Otero counties): 986-4362
- Sen. John Arthur Smith, Co-Chair (D) – Senate District 35 (Hidalgo, Luna, and Sierra counties): 986-4363
- Sen. Carlos R. Cisneros, Vice Chair (D) – Senate District 6 (Taos): 986-4863
- Sen. Joseph J. Carraro (R) – Senate District 23 (Bernalillo and Sandoval counties): 986-4387
- Sen. Sue Wilson Beffort (R) – Senate District 19 (Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, and Santa Fe counties): 986-4395
- Sen. Pete Campos (D) – Senate District 8 (Guadalupe, Mora, San Miguel, Santa Fe, and Torrance counties): 986-4311
- Sen. Carroll H. Leavell (R) – Senate District 41 (Eddy and Lea counties): 986-4278
- Sen. Leonard Lee Rawson (R) – Senate District 37 (Doña Ana and Sierra counties): 986-4703
- Sen. Nancy Rodriguez (D) – Senate District 24 (Santa Fe): 986-4264
- Sen. Bernadette Sanchez (D) – Senate District 26 (Albuquerque): 986-4267
Keep Up the Calls to Representatives, Too!
It still looks as though House Bill 1222 (the Health Security Act) will be heard in the House Health and Government Affairs Committee this coming week, possibly as early as Tuesday, February 27. We'll keep you updated on the hearing schedule, but in the meantime, we need you to call Health and Government Affairs Committee members.
If your representative is on the Health and Government Affairs Committee (see list below), please call and ask him or her to support House Bill 1222, the Health Security Act.
If you know anyone at all in any of these representatives’ districts, please ask them to call their representative to urge him or her to support House Bill 1222, the Health Security Act.
These phone calls are key to passage of House Bill 1222!
House Health and Government Affairs Committee Members
- Rep. Mimi Stewart, Chair (D) – House District 21 (Albuquerque): 986-4840
- Rep. Nick L. Salazar, Vice Chair (D) – House District 40 (Mora, Rio Arriba, San Miguel, Santa Fe, and Taos counties): 986-4433
- Rep. Paul C. Bandy (R) – House District 3 (San Juan County): 986-4214
- Rep. Justine Fox-Young (R) – House District 30 (Albuquerque): 986-4450
- Rep. John A. Heaton (D) – House District 55 (Eddy County): 986-4432
- Rep. Jeff Steinborn (D) – House District 37 (Doña Ana County): 986-4248
- Rep. Luciano "Lucky" Varela (D) – House District 48 (Santa Fe): 986-4318
- Rep. Jeannette O. Wallace (R) – House District 43 (Los Alamos, Sandoval, and Santa Fe counties): 986-4452
Not Sure Who Your State Senator or Representative Is? Here’s how to find out:
- Go to the legislature’s website: www.legis.state.nm.us
- Click on “Find Your Legislator”
- Choose “Senate” or "House" and click on “Search by Name, District or Zip Code”
- Enter your zip code (in some areas—like Albuquerque—you may need to input the extra four digits after your zip code)
- You can also call your county clerk.
If you have any questions, contact Josette at 771-8763 or jhaddad@cableone.net.
February 24, 2007 at 11:42 AM in Healthcare, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Bill to Allow PRC Appeals of Managed Healthcare Decisions Unanimously Passes NM House
From the NM House Democratic Leadership:
Santa Fe, NM – A consumer would be able to appeal to the Public Regulations Commission (PRC) regarding managed healthcare decisions made by the superintendent of insurance under a bill sponsored by Rep. Rhonda S. King (D-Bernalillo, Santa Fe, Torrance). House Bill 589 unanimously passed the House today with a vote of 67-0. The bill provides consumers with an additional level of appeal before having to go to court. The bill is supported by the PRC and the superintendent of insurance.
Rep. King said, “This provides the consumer with another venue of appeal before going through what can turn out to be a costly court process.”
House Bill 589 would amend the insurance code to provide the PRC with additional authority over Insurance Division matters. The PRC would review all of the orders of the superintendent of insurance and provide the consumer the right to appeal; the PRC would review all of the managed health care decisions made by the external grievance appeals panel and would provide the consumer the right to appeal; and the PRC would have to approve all of the appointments made by the superintendent of insurance to boards, commissions, or groups.
PRC Chairman Ben Ray Lujan said, “This is a consumer-friendly bill. It provides consumers with another option to address their concerns or complaints before having to go to court.”
Editor's Note: This bill previously was passed by the House Business and Industry, Health and Government Affairs and Judiciary Committees. It now moves to the Senate. You can find contact information for your State Senator here.
February 24, 2007 at 09:25 AM in Healthcare, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (0)