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Friday, February 09, 2007

Obama to Officially Announce for Prez Tomorrow

He'll do it in Springfield, Illinois, Land of Lincoln, tomorrow morning at 8:55 AM Mountain Time. It will be webcast live at his website at Here's the preview video and invitation to watch the live feed tomorrow. He's off.

February 9, 2007 at 05:11 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink


Obama's speech set a high standard for Presidential candidates. I was surprised at the size of the crowd, especially in Springfield, Il (no garden spot in Feb.) Teachers and other Unions applauded loudly making their presence known. He also has keyed in on a way to involve young voters. I'll ask my students to watch this speech and see what they make of it this week.

Posted by: | Feb 10, 2007 9:39:23 AM

We watched his speech on CSPAN this morning and thought it was good but not great. There is so much pressure on him after his speech at the Dem convention that it can seem anticlimactic to hear anything less.

I like what he had to say and it was good to hear a presidential candidate utter the word "gay" in a protective way, as in "we have to stop blaming others like gay people..."

As I listened to his noble, calm words, I couldn't help wondering if he has the fierce gumption to withstand and counteract the brutal attacks he will get from both the right and the DLC Dems. I like an approach that brings people together but I'm not sure we're ready to come together in that way yet with so much passion and anger bouncing around the nation.

Being a native of the Land of Lincoln, it was good to see him in Springfield, referring to Old Abe, but then I kept thinking how Lincoln had to endure and win a bloody civil war and then be assassinated to keep the union together.

I'll definitely be following Obama and I like his approach and his dignity and intelligence and grace, but I think more will need to be revealed if he's to get my support. It's a long road to the nomination, sheesh.

Posted by: barb | Feb 10, 2007 11:39:33 AM

I feel very much like Barb does. And I think David Sirota frames it well too:

I WANT him to be the one but I'm not sure he's there.

Posted by: Old Dem | Feb 10, 2007 6:28:27 PM

I noticed he ended the speech with "I love you" rather than the old standby, "God bless America," which I loathe. Hooray for that. It was a very unusual speech. He's an unusual candidate. These are unusual times. It's going to be very interesting to watch this campaign unfold. For me it will most likely be Obama or Gore if he runs. The others are just biz as usual all the way,

Posted by: Coyote | Feb 10, 2007 8:26:00 PM

I was surprised at how much attention this got over here. The front page of the Independent was a huge photo of him (I saved it for my daughter, who's a fan) and it was the lead story on the news all day.

I've always liked him, and like you all am hedging my bets, but so far he sticks out as my favorite.

Posted by: KathyF | Feb 10, 2007 11:50:28 PM

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