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Thursday, February 08, 2007

NM Senate Judiciary Committee to Consider Health Security Act Monday

From the Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign:
The Health Security Act (Senate Bill 720) will have its first hearing this coming Monday, February 12, in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Judiciary Committee usually starts to hear bills at 1:30 PM, or half an hour after the floor session ends, if that time is later. The Senate Judiciary Committee meets in Room 321 at the State Capitol. Please come to this important hearing!

Time to Call Judiciary Committee Senators! If your senator is on the Judiciary Committee (see list below), now is the time to call and ask him or her to support the Health Security Act.

Identify yourself as a constituent and urge your senator to support Senate Bill 720, the Health Security Act, which will let New Mexico set up its own health plan, like a cooperative.

If your senator is NOT a member of the Judiciary Committee, maybe you have friends or relatives whose senator is on the committee. Please contact them and ask them to call their senator!!

Constituents calling their senator will have a big impact on what happens to the Health Security Act on Friday. We need your help to ensure passage of Senate Bill 720 in the Senate Judiciary Committee! Please let us know once you have made the call to your senator. We appreciate hearing from you.

Senate Judiciary Committee Members

Don’t Know Who Your State Senator Is? Here’s how to find out:

You can also call your county clerk.

And While You're at It, Call the Governor! Many thanks to all of you who have called the Governor to ask him to support the Health Security Act. The calls are rolling in. We need to keep this up, so if you have not already done so, be sure to call the Governor at 827-3000. Thank you!

If you have any questions, contact Josette at 771-8763 or

February 8, 2007 at 09:06 AM in Healthcare, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


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