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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

UPDATED: NM House Committee to Vote on Wage Bills Today

UPDATE 11:41 AM: Both Speaker Lujan's and Sen. Altamirano's competing minimum wage bills will be debated in the House Labor Committee today.

The NM House Labor Committee will hold the first hearing on Speaker Ben Lujan's minimum wage bill, HB 759, on Tuesday, February 13 at 1:30 PM in the House Chambers. Please join us to support this legislation, which would not only give us a higher wage than what Congress proposes for a new minimum. It would also provide an annual cost-of-living increase and remove all exemptions from New Mexico law so that all workers are covered. For more information, contact Matthew Henderson at If you can't be at the hearing, please contact members of the House Labor Committee and urge them to vote yes on this bill.

Editor's Note: There's another minimum wage bill that originated in the NM Senate as SB 324, sponsored by Sen. Ben Altamirano. It gained passage in the Senate and is now in the House Labor Committee awaiting a hearing. However, Rep. Lujan's House bill is better, especially in terms of its application to ALL workers and the provision of yearly cost of living increases.

February 13, 2007 at 12:47 AM in Labor, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


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