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Tuesday, February 20, 2007
New Orleans Manages Another Mardi Gras
Despite it all. Or maybe because of it all. Some commentary on NPR here, here and here. A hometown perspective on both Mardi Gras and the Katrina aftermath in a number of posts, videos and photos at Blogging New Orleans. Meanwhile the Cake and Empire blog traces the roots and traditions of Mardi Gras, including (of course) King Cakes. Cool photos at Mental Floss. Maybe most importantly, visit Beyond Katrina, The Voice of Hurricane and Disaster Recovery, which not only has some terrific historical photos of Mardi Gras, but an abundance of links and ideas for keeping the help flowing to what we hope will continue to be America's most uncommon and funky city. Not to mention gay-friendly city. Not to mention one of my favorite cities in the world, bar none. May the good times roll, still and always, in the Crescent City. Wish I were there today....
February 20, 2007 at 12:37 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink
It has been a wonderfully NORMAL Mardi Gras. My heart is so happy. My city is safe!
Posted by: doctorj | Feb 20, 2007 3:19:03 PM
Good to hear! I like seeing a bit of normalcy returning to New Orleans after all it has been and is still going through.
Posted by: | Feb 20, 2007 5:28:54 PM
I would like to state for the record my confidence and support for Brian Colon.
I feel he is still the man to lead us.
Central committee member
Posted by: Robert | Feb 9, 2008 6:20:56 AM