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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My Snowy Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day, readers,
on another beautiful, snowy day in Albuquerque
Keith Haring sends a heart supported
Heart of snow
Thanks to Simon the Jester for the neocon version:
heart of stone

I'm going crazy trying to track all the important bills at the NM Legislature so I had to post something more nurturing, for all concerned. You're probably being driven crazy by all my reportage on legislation as well. Call about this! Email about that! Attend this hearing! Tedious, to say the least, but necessary when a 60-day session is roaring up in Santa Fe and so much is at stake.

At least that's what I tell myself when I start questioning my dedication and start dreaming about being so disconnected from politics that I'd be gazing dreamily out the window at the snow today while listening to some Pat Metheny or Joni Mitchell. Ah, sometimes I pine for the perks of a politics-free life. But then I remember I'm living in America in the 21st century. And just think how the legislators, staffers, lobbyists and the rest of the crowd that has to pretty much live in the Roundhouse for two months feels right about now, with not even half of the session completed. I do have compassion.

Anyway, hope all of you fit some sweetness and light and love into today's experiences, whether you have an "official" Valentine or not. After all, as Voltaire wrote,

Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination.

Now, go savor some xo-co-latl if you can. Then watch this:

We were talking
about the space between us all
and people who hide themselves
behind a wall of illusion
never glimpse the truth
then it's far too late
when they pass away

We were talking
about the love we all could share
When we find it
to try our best to hold it there
with our love, with our love
we could save the world
if they only knew

Try to realize it's all within yourself
no one else can make you change
And to see you're really only very small
and life flows on within you and without you

We were talking
about the love that's gone so cold
and the people who gain the world
and lose their soul
They don't know, they can't see
Are you one of them?

When you've seen beyond yourself
then you may find
peace of mind is waiting there
And the time will come
when you see we're all one
and life flows on within you and without you

February 14, 2007 at 02:22 PM in Visuals | Permalink


Wonderful stuff. Hearts back to you.

Posted by: Sadie | Feb 14, 2007 5:46:41 PM

Wow that new mix by George Martin is fabulous. I'm gonna have to get me that new "Love" album with his mixes.

Love to all!

Posted by: Red or Green | Feb 14, 2007 6:40:27 PM

Love snow, but starting to hate driving in it :)

On a side note, Wilson did it again... after sitting on the fence for awhile, she's decided not to join in on the resolution opposing the war.

Posted by: | Feb 14, 2007 10:13:24 PM

Bush Boy must have "convinced" her that she had to vote against the resolution because he raised so much money for Heather in her last election. If she were a bad girl and voted for it he might make sure she doesn't get any help next time?

What the heck was she crying about? Maybe her own guilty conscience?

Posted by: Old Dem | Feb 15, 2007 8:35:23 AM

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