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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Moving Along: NM Sen. Feldman's Bill to Open Legislative Conference Committees

Senate Bill 288, introduced by Senator Dede Feldman (D-Bernalillo-13), and that would require that legislative conference committees be open to the public, cleared the Senate Rules Committee Monday on a vote of 4-2. Voting against the bill were Steve Komadina (R-Sandoval) and (surprisingly) Linda Lopez (D-Bernalillo) The measure now moves to the Senate Public Affairs Committee (click to get contact info for members).

Senate Bill 288 amends Section 10-15-2 of the state’s Open Meetings Act to make meetings of conference committees as well as standing committees of the Legislature open meetings that are subject to the requirements of the Act. The language of Senator Feldman’s proposed measure would also eliminate the current exemption for “any bill, resolution or other legislative matter not yet presented to either house of the legislature or general appropriation bills.”

“This is about having a fully public legislative process,” said Senator Feldman. At least 40 of our states have open conference committees and there is no reason why we shouldn’t as well. There’s no reason to hide the ball when it comes to having the House and Senate work to come to agreement on proposed legislation.” The proposed legislation is supported by the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government.

February 7, 2007 at 10:04 AM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


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