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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Local News Video of NM Impeachment Hearing at Senate Rules

The local mainstream TV media and newspaper coverage of Friday's hearing on SJR 5, calling for the impeachment of Dick Cheney and George, has been rather sparse and/or dismissive. Very expected. But one Albuquerque news outfit did air a story, which you can see above.

(Note: This should be considered a fair use of the video since it shows just a portion of that evening's newscast.)

February 17, 2007 at 10:49 PM in Impeachment, Media, NM Legislature 2007, Visuals | Permalink


I am very glad to see that Channel 7 gave coverage of the hearing. It was a shame that the Republicans refused to attend the hearing and their response is expected. If you have no position on law or ethics then attack the motion or the people bringing the motion.

The impeachment resolution is terribly important to the future health of our country. I implore everybody who cares to step up and crusade for passage of this resolution, through the remaining legislative steps PLUS what it will take to get the Governor to support it. We The People... we can make it mean something again, only if we stand in support of our rights - our responsibilities.

Governor Richardson, if you were to support passage of this resolution, based on the huge support the resolution had in the State Democratic Pre-Primary Convention, you would help get it through the Legislature. You could state that you support the resolution because it is of the people and by the people and that as a representative of the people of New Mexico that you have to stand with us. In other words, come to the front of the parade, we are on the march.

Terry Riley

Posted by: Terry Riley | Feb 18, 2007 11:21:16 AM

Lack of participation by the minority Reps on the Committee speaks volumes about how seriously they take their responsibilities. No matter what the personal belief, an elected Representative in the very least, owes their constituents the courtesy of showing up for the hearing. I hope the people in the districts they represent remember that come election time. BTW, holding the President and his VP accountable is not a partisan issue but a responsibility for EVERY American!

Posted by: VP | Feb 18, 2007 5:56:31 PM

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