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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Iraq Escalation: Heather Wilson Tries to Have It Both Ways

Surprise. Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM-01), has been critical of the Iraq occupation ever since she won her latest two-year term by a margin of only a few hundred votes. However, her criticism only goes so far. Yesterday she took to the House floor to comment about the pending resolution expressing disapproval for Bush's latest transparent band-aid of a solution to the chaotic fiasco. Instead of voting in line with her previous negative responses to Bush's plans, she claimed she couldn't vote for the resolution because it was too "vague." Oh, and did you know the Dems really want to take the bullets and body armor away from troops on the ground? Since the resolution doesn't say they DON'T want to do that, Heather can't support it. Quote:

"The resolution intentionally leaves unanswered the question of whether we will fund the bullets and body armor for troops who are not there yet but are going. I believe a majority of this House would vote to equip and support the men and women being sent there, even if they question the President's strategy ... The language in this resolution is clever. But this isn’t a time for clever.

Read the text of the resolution. Seems mighty clear and direct to me. I'd like to think Wilson was teary-eyed and quivering in her statement yesterday because she has a guilty conscience. Given her serious criticisms of the escalation tactics, she has to be aware of just how meaningless and dangerous it will be to shove 21,000+ more troops in the middle of a raging, bloody civil war and insurgency. Yet she can't bring herself to do the right thing and vote for the resolution, despite its nonbinding nature. I wonder how the Bush team "convinced" her to refrain from a true expression of her views in the vote. Campaign fundraising for her next election comes to mind, but that's just me.

MoveOn and others are urging folks in Wilson's district to call her NOW to urge her to change her mind. Here are the numbers: in Washington DC (202) 225-6316; in Albuquerque (505) 346-6781.

By the way, you can see video clips of a number of House Dems making statements about the Iraq resolution, plus lots of other stuff, at House Speaker Pelosi's new blog, The Gavel.

Also, Sen. Harry Reid just announced that the U.S. Senate will vote on the U.S. House resolution about the Iraq escalation this coming Saturday. Straight up or down vote on the simple resolution. Period. The House vote is expected to happen on Friday.

February 15, 2007 at 11:15 AM in Iraq War, Local Politics | Permalink


I listened to some of the crap she was spewing on the House Floor yesterday, it struck me that she has a lot of nerve to falsely imply that the Dem's resolution might not fund troop equipment when she couldn't cheer loud enough for Bu$h when he DID order them into combat WITHOUT enough personal armor, armored Hummers and some of the other things that could have saved lives.

Posted by: VP | Feb 15, 2007 11:28:13 AM

I read the text and it seems pretty clear to me. If there is cleverness afoot, it just may be her magic act of talking out of both sides of her mouth.
Interestingly, while I was reading the text, I noticed another article about politics and bloggers.
Take a look:
I belong to John Edwards, Obama, and Clinton's websites and get regular emails/updates as well as requests for my thoughts on things.
Yesterday, Hillary (as if, it was one of her peeps) sent me an email with her speech regarding Bush's intent of putting us into Iran. Interesting stuff.
Thanks for these links. I appreciate how much work you do to bring the issues, politicians, legislation, etc... out.
You do good work.

Posted by: | Feb 15, 2007 12:55:36 PM

Natalie: Thanks! Personally I think links and email subscriptions procreate and multiply in the nether reaches of our computers. If I visit one link, soon I'm off on a continuing chain of who knows how many. If I sign up for a listserve, I swear I start getting email from three. Doh!

Here's a cool link on the presidential race and net activities that looks like it will be good place to check in regularly:


Posted by: barb | Feb 15, 2007 2:41:53 PM

And that is exactly why I put a limit in the time I spend on Wikipedia...lol.
Thanks for the link.

Posted by: | Feb 15, 2007 3:28:53 PM

Once again, the Republicans are avoiding the debate on the Iraq war. The public already blames them, so if they avoid the debate again, they'll get lambasted in the press.

Posted by: | Feb 16, 2007 6:45:18 AM

Uh so let me get this straight! The NM National Guard is #50 in terms of equipment and training! Wilson opposed the 'surge' but opposed the opposition to the Iraq escalation into Iran, because she 'supports the troops'! Saddam was in a hole, no threat, no WMD, he was secular and enemies with AQ. All the GOP talks about is Islam and osama? It's unbelivable how wasted Americans are in the 21st century!

Posted by: | Feb 16, 2007 1:08:18 PM

I wonder how the Bush team "convinced" her to refrain from a true expression of her views in the vote.

probably the gay old blackmail, no? a lot of blackmail in DC.

Posted by: | Feb 16, 2007 1:11:05 PM

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