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Thursday, February 08, 2007

--UPDATED -- IMPORTANT: Hearing on NM Impeachment Resolution Postponed!

UPDATE 3:34 PM: The intrepid Terry Riley just called in from the Roundhouse in Santa Fe where he spoke with Leland Lehrman of Mother Media, who has been a main force behind the NM impeachment effort. Leland reports that the Senate Rules Committee hearing on the impeachment resolution originally scheduled for February 9th has been postponed until next Friday, February 16th, at 8:30 AM in Room 321 of the Roundhouse.

The disturbing news, however, is that Republican members of the Senate Rules Committee are reportedly threatening to boycott the commitee meeting if the impeachment resolution is considered. If they do that, it would be impossible to reach quorum, and the hearing couldn't be held, holding up other committee business as well as consideration of impeachment. Talk about cowardly, undemocratic tactics on the part of the committee's Republicans! Of course their threatened behavior is matched by similar reluctance to discuss realities in the U.S. Senate, where Republican maneuvers continue to stop consideration of a resolution against Bush's plan for troop escalations in Iraq.

Leland and other supporters of the impeachment effort are reportedly planning to go ahead with a rally on the East side of the Roundhouse on Friday, February 9, at 9:00 AM, when the resolution was originally scheduled to be heard by Senate Rules. With so many people set to converge on Santa Fe in support of SJR 5 on that day, many probably won't get word of the postponment and be there anyway. All supporters are encouraged to attend!

More official notification from the office of Sen. Ortiz y Pino and Leland Lehrman should be coming soon. Stay tuned to what's an increasingly fluid situation with this bill.

ORIGINAL POST 11:23 AM: We're getting word that the NM Senate Rules Committee hearing on SJR 5, New Mexico's impeachment resolution, has been cancelled for this Friday, February 9th. The rumor is that it may be rescheduled for Monday, February 11th, but nothing is official yet. Please help get the word out on this as a large turnout is expected. We'll keep you posted.

February 8, 2007 at 03:34 PM in Impeachment, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


I hope the Dem's have the spine to consider this bill anyway. Let those that would run interference wear the mill stone of blind support and obedience to party rather than to the Country, Constitution, and rule of law (the "good follower" mentality) around their necks for all to see. Abdicating their responsibilities as American citizen's and elected official with their silly little "boycott" speaks volumes about their fitness for office. If an elected official doesn't agree with the legislation they can offer a "NO" vote which is their prerogative, interfering with the Democratic process is not acceptable and just plain wrong, they should be held accountable for that!!!

Posted by: VP | Feb 8, 2007 5:32:25 PM

I agree with VP. This really really really sucks that the Repugs are planning to boycott. You might want to tell them what you think. You can email them from the Rules Comm. page at the legislature website:

Posted by: | Feb 8, 2007 5:45:39 PM

R&G, I have Emailed the Rules Committee RePukes and told them what I think.

Posted by: VP | Feb 9, 2007 8:41:18 AM

If true, it's terrible the Republicans would atstempt to block debate on the memorial. If we contact them, however, we need to be polite though firm. Name calling won't help. Logic might have a slim chance of doing it.

Posted by: Old Dem | Feb 9, 2007 8:49:05 AM

Tit for time a budget hearing is scheduled all the dems should stay home! No kidding! Stop the crappola and shut down the damn government. Force martial law into being and then get on with the damn revolt and revolution because their ain't enough troops left in the country to help the cops put down a rebellion. Hint: There are over 100,000 gang members in Los Angeles and only 10,000 cops.....and that doesn't count all the pissed off white people with guns!
Get it on!

Posted by: | Feb 17, 2007 11:09:41 AM

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