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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Impeachment Quote of the Day

"It's been obvious, I'm sure, that I've wanted to see an end to the disastrous and immoral policies of the Bush administration, but never before was I so absolutely convinced as I am now that impeachment and removal from office is not only appropriate, but morally and legally compelled. I firmly believe that our nation is at its lowest point ever — morally, legally and in terms of its relations with the rest of the world.

Any review of what the founders had in mind when they drafted the impeachment clause of the Constitution would make it abundantly clear that the outrageous abuses of power, the violations of our Constitution and of sacred treaty obligations, the dictatorial assumption of powers and derogation of the balance of power between the three branches of government implicit in our democracy and the disgraceful human rights abuses are far beyond anything that would have to be established to demonstrate a high crime or misdemeanor." --Rocky Anderson, Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah, who will be testifying before the Washington State Legislature Thursday on behalf of a resolution introduced by State Sen. Eric Oemig (D-Kirkland) calling on Congress to investigate and possibly impeach Bush and Cheney. Read more.

February 28, 2007 at 08:53 AM in Impeachment | Permalink


more on the impeachment in Washington state here:

OpEd News

Posted by: | Feb 28, 2007 9:03:37 AM

I know of Mayor Anderson, I was so proud that he was too busy attending an ANTI War demo which kept him from greeting Bu$h when he went to SLC last summer. The WH cabal needs more "in your face" elected officials with back bone like Mayor Anderson.

Posted by: VP | Feb 28, 2007 11:40:26 AM

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