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Monday, February 26, 2007

House Floor Vote Tuesday: Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act

From Equality New Mexico:
House Bill 603, the Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act, has a floor vote in the NM House scheduled for this Tuesday, February 27th at 11:00 AM. By a vote of 9-4, HB 603 passed out of the House Judiciary Committee on Friday, February 23rd.

This will be a very close vote and we will need to fill the gallery with our supporters. Between now and Tuesday’s hearing, we will also need to reach out to all of those legislators who are on the fence. Our current online campaign is designed to target those legislators from whom we still don’t have firm commitments. Your letters and phone calls can make a difference.

Click here to send a letter to the undecided representatives and ask them to support House Bill 603.

Along with our online campaign, we need you to make personal contact with the legislators and their staff. Below is a list of targeted legislators that need an additional push to support this important legislation. Please call their offices and visit them at the Roundhouse.

Rep. Janice Arnold-Jones (R, Bernalillo-24), 505.986.4451

Rep. Andrew Barreras (D, Valencia-7), 505.986.4243

Rep. Mary Helen Garcia (D, Dona Ana-34), 505.986.4435

Rep. Thomas Garcia (D, Colfax, Guad, Mora, S.M. & Taos-68), 505.986.4242

Rep. Roberto "Bobby" Gonzales (D, Taos-42), 505.986.4235

Rep. Manuel Herrera (D-Grants-39), 505.986.4233

Rep. Dona Irwin (D-Luna-32), 505.986.4249

Rep. Andy Nunez (D-Dona Ana-36), 505.986.4423

Rep. Jane E. Powdrell-Culbert (R-Sandoval-44), 505.986.4467

Rep. Debbie Rodella (D-Rio Arriba, Sandoval & Taos-41), 505.986.4329

Rep. Dan Silva (D-Bernalillo-13), 505.986.4425

February 26, 2007 at 10:50 AM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


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