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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Act Now to Stop Delay in NM Universal Health Coverage

From the Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign:
Hearing on Senate Bill 721 Moved to Thursday! Senate Bill 721, the companion bill to Senate Bill 720 (the Health Security Act), has been scheduled for a hearing tomorrow, Thursday, February 15, in the Senate Public Affairs Committee.

Senate Bill 721 (Health Security Act Financing Options) is the appropriations bill for the first year of the Health Security Act and will finance a cost analysis of the Health Security Plan. This financial study is the first step in implementing the Health Security Plan. It also enables the legislature to get an important second opinion once the results of the Governor's task force study are made public in June.

Powers That Be Trying to Kill Health Security Act? Last night in the Senate Public Affairs Committee, Senate Bill 721 was originally scheduled to be automatically moved on to the Senate Finance Committee along with other bills that contained funding. Senator Cisneros, the bill's sponsor, had been told that it was not necessary for him to be there, so he was not present when Senator Papen made the request that the bill be pulled from the others because she had questions.

Our Executive Director was asked to answer Senator Papen's questions. Then testimony in opposition was presented by Secretary of Human Services Pam Hyde (who maintained that she is neither for or against the Health Security Act), the Lovelace lobbyist, the Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, and a few others, all of whom made the argument that the legislators should wait for the results of the Governor's task force study, which includes analysis of the Health Security Plan.

Because the sponsor was not there, the committee agreed to hold the hearing on Thursday, when he could be present.

The opposition will continue to push the "wait for the results of the study" argument in order to kill the Health Security Act.

We need to continue to put pressure on our legislators to let them know that there is strong public support to pass the Health Security Act now.

Where and When: The Senate Public Affairs Committee will begin hearing bills on Thursday afternoon after the Senate floor session ends. The Public Affairs Committee usually meets in Room 321 in the State Capitol. Check with Senator Feldman’s office (986-4482, Room 303) for the committee agenda and hearing room number. Please come to the hearing! Your presence is very important. The committee needs to see public support for this bill!

Time to Call Public Affairs Committee Senators!
No matter who your senator is, please call Dede Feldman (986-4482), the chair of the Public Affairs Committee, and urge her to support Senate Bill 721, Health Security Act Financing Options. If your senator is on the Public Affairs Committee (see list below), please call today and ask him or her to support Senate Bill 721, Health Security Act Financing Options. If you have friends or relatives in any of these senators’ districts, please ask them to call their senator today to urge him or her to support Senate Bill 721, Health Security Act Financing Options. These phone calls are critical to ensuring passage of Senate Bill 721 in the Senate Public Affairs Committee on Thursday. Please call today!

Senate Public Affairs Committee Members
Sen. Dede Feldman, Chair (D) – Senate District 13 (Albuquerque): 986-4482
Sen. Mary Jane M. Garcia, Vice Chair (D) – Senate District 36 (Las Cruces): 986-4726
Sen. Steve Komadina, Ranking Member (R) – Senate District 9 (Corrales, Rio Rancho): 986-4377
Sen. Stuart Ingle (R) – Senate District 27 (Portales): 986-4702
Sen. Gay G. Kernan (R) – Senate District 42 (Hobbs): 986-4274
Sen. Steven P. Neville (R) – Senate District 2 (San Juan County): 986-4266
Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino (D) – Senate District 12 (Albuquerque): 986-4380
Sen. Mary Kay Papen (D) – Senate District 388 (Las Cruces): 986-4270
Sen. David Ulibarri (D) – Senate District 30 (Cibola County): 986-4265

Update on Senate Bill 720 (the Health Security Act)
Senate Bill 720 (the Health Security Act), which was passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday, has not yet been scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Finance Committee. We will let you know when we have more information! If you have any questions, contact Josette at 771-8763 or

February 14, 2007 at 11:45 AM in Healthcare, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


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