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Friday, February 09, 2007

Hearing on Domestic Partner Retirement Insurance Set for Today

From Equality New Mexico:
Senate Bill 502, Senator Grubesic’s Bill to amend the Retiree Health Care Act in order to provide health insurance benefits to domestic partner’s of state employees after the employee retires, is now scheduled for public hearing on Friday, February 9th at 1:30 PM in the Senate Judiciary Committee. It is the first Bill on the agenda.

The hearing was originally scheduled for Wednesday, but the Senate had to reschedule the committee hearing, due to a long floor battle over cock fighting. Equality New Mexico has extended our online campaign to contact members of the committee to ask them to support SB 502. You can contact them by clicking on the link below.

Contact the Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and Tell Them to Support Senate Bill 502!

We still need people in the committee room who support this legislation to send a message to the legislators that our families deserve protection. If you are able to attend, try to arrive a little bit early as parking is often difficult.

Editor's Note: See our previous post on this issue.

February 9, 2007 at 07:42 AM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


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