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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

HB603: Domestic Partner Rights And Responsibilities Act Passes Full Vote of House

From Equality New Mexico:
In what can only be described as the fastest vote in the West, HB 603, the Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act passed a full vote of the House by a vote of 33-24.

Stewart_1Many of us gathered to fill the gallery and await the hearing of the Bill. HB 603 was number 25 on the agenda, so we settled in for a long day and an even longer hearing. The hearing began, and was over in less than 2 minutes. Rep. Mimi Stewart (right), who sponsored the bill for us, stepped up to the microphone and introduced the Bill. No one in the room hit their button to speak, and the Speaker closed the debate. Rep. Stewart closed and asked that the House “Do Now Pass.” The vote began.  Before we knew it, the 30 second timer began counting down and the voting started. It was chaos on the floor as the vote was called and many of the legislators who had stepped out of the room scrambled to cast their votes. The last 5 seconds on the timer seemed to pass very slowly as the votes came pouring in. In the end, the vote was 33-24 in favor, which included a few “yes” votes from some surprising allies.

Take a look at the list of “yes” votes below and please give them a call to thank them for their vote. (Click on their names to get contact information.)

A special thank you should go out to Representative Mimi Stewart for all of her hard work. We could not have asked for a better sponsor.

HB603 was introduced in the Senate late yesterday afternoon and has been assigned to Senate Public Affairs Commitee and Senate Judiciary Committee. 

Passing this legislation through the Senate will be an uphill battle, and we will need all of your help.  Keep participating in our online campaigns (our last targeted campaign generated over 12,000 letters to the legislators), tell your friends and neighbors, and keep calling and visiting your legislators to educate them on these issues. EQNM will issue notification as soon as further hearings are scheduled.

February 28, 2007 at 03:07 PM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


Great news on this one - a start on essential fairness under the law. A salute goes out to all those who voted for it in the House and especially to the Republicans and those Democrats who represent rather conservative districts.

I really feel like more and more people are listening to our pleas for fairness with both their hearts and minds of late. On to the Senate! Let's hope enough Senators will put the civil liberties of all of us ahead of what may be their own personal views of domestic partnerships. All we want is fair treatment, not complete approval if you know what I mean.

Posted by: Jerry | Feb 28, 2007 3:51:37 PM

I agree with you Jerry! Mary Ellen and I have been together for going on 18 years and it sure would be great to have even some of the legal protections that married people do in our civil society. This is about secular, civil rights, not anything religious. We pay our taxes, we vote, we work in politics, we volunteer, we donate to charities, we try to work for equality for all people and we think we deserve to be treated with respect and fairness, like other citizens.

Mimi Stewart is the best. And big thanks to all who voted for this bill. It means so much to so many good people all over the state.

Posted by: barb | Feb 28, 2007 4:00:15 PM

Congratulations, Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilites Act!

Posted by: | Feb 28, 2007 6:09:06 PM

I hope this makes it through the state senate where these kinds of bills are often killed because of the misunderstandings some senators have about the difference between civil law and the church. We should all be for equal rights, period.

Posted by: supporter | Mar 1, 2007 8:21:08 AM

I'm a big admirer of Mimi Stewart. She does so many great things in the legislature. Nice photo of her too!

Posted by: Admirer | Mar 1, 2007 1:08:37 PM

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