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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Great News! NM Senate Judiciary Committee Passes the Health Security Act!

From the Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign:
Yesterday (Monday), the Senate Judiciary Committee passed the Health Security Act (Senate Bill 720) by a 6-4 vote! It was an exciting hearing, with a roomful of Health Security Act supporters and strong, impassioned testimony in favor of Senate Bill 720.

Many thanks to those who came to the hearing to show and voice their support for the Health Security Act! Thanks also to those who could not come to the State Capitol but were providing long-distance support from around the state.

Next Step: The Senate Finance Committee.
The Health Security Act now moves to the Senate Finance Committee. Click here for Committee members and their contact information. We'll need your help to get the Health Security Act passed by the Finance Committee! If you have any questions, contact Josette at 771-8763 or
Editor's Note: More information about the bill is provided in this press release from the NM Senate Democrats and the bill's sponsor, Senator Carlos Cisneros:

NM Senate Bill 720, introduced by Senator Carlos Cisneros (D-Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, Santa Fe and Taos-6) won approval today from the Senate Judiciary Committee by a margin of 6-4 in a party line vote. The bill would be a giant step toward providing health care coverage for all New Mexicans.

The proposed legislation is the result of input from organizations and interested groups from across the state over many years. It is aimed at providing a solution to New Mexico’s health care crisis.  The bill will next be presented to the Senate Finance Committee.

Senator Carlos Cisneros commented, “I am elated that the Committee was receptive to this concept for extending health care to all New Mexicans. In his State of the State address the Governor called for bold new steps to improve the lives of New Mexican citizens and this certainly is one.”

Under the Health Security Act:

•The old-fashioned concept of an insurance plan would be the basis of the Health Security Plan under which approximately 1.6 million young, old, healthy and the not-so-healthy New Mexicans will share the risk.*

•Military personnel and federal retirees will maintain their own plans.   

•Tribes and plans covered under ERISA will have the option to join.

•An independent non-governmental Commission will administer the Health Security Plan -- a Commission is geographically representative and publicly accountable.

•The private health care delivery system stays in place.

•No new taxes will be required.

•The Health Security Plan is paid for by combining existing public dollars spent on health care (Medicaid, Medicare) with premiums based on income and employer contributions (with caps).

•Counties will decide how to use their indigent funds under the Plan.

•Developing and implementing the Plan would follow a go-slow approach:

•Year 1: analysis of the cost – with public input. If the financial costs are too much and not approved by the Legislature, the Health Security Plan will not go into effect.

•Years 2 & 3: If the financial picture looks good, it is estimated that working out the details of the Health Security Plan with public input will take two more years -- with the ability to extend the time to proceed or to put on the brakes should this phase not be workable.

The Plan Guarantees:

•Health care coverage for all New Mexicans, regardless of age, income, employment, or health status.

•Freedom of choice of doctor and hospital within and across state lines.

•Comprehensive benefits, no less than those offered to state employees.

•Protections so retirees will not lose what they already have.

* According to numerous state studies, including one completed for New Mexico, pooling state residents will result in a reduction of health expenditures by billions of dollars.

February 13, 2007 at 12:04 AM in Healthcare, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


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