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Friday, February 09, 2007

Grant County Dem Party Passes Resolution Supporting NM Impeachment Effort

From Jim Fridinger, Gila Regional Community List:
On February 7, 2007, the Grant County Democratic Party, by an overwhelming majority, passed the resolution as written below:

After informed debate and discussion, the Grant County Democratic Party wholly endorses the New Mexico Senate Joint Resolution 05 calling for the immediate instigation of impeachment proceedings against George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney for the crimes detailed in the resolution, acknowledging our responsibility under the Constitution of the United States, and that the result of this vote be forwarded by the Grant County Democratic Party secretary of record to Sen. Ortiz y Pino of the New Mexico State Senate.

Calls, polite and considerate, to Senator Ben Altamirano's office to let him know that this is his constituency speaking, and that we hope he will represent us well in the coming weeks regarding this issue. Perhaps calls to other representatives in the NM legislature would also be in order.

Senator Ben Altamirano:
Capital office phone: 505 986 4733
Home phone (Silver City): 505 538 3525

Contact info for other members of the NM legislature can be found here.

UPDATE: The Silver City Sun-News covered the story on February 10, 2007.

February 9, 2007 at 07:56 AM in Democratic Party, Impeachment, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about an incident of consensual sex that was not illegal and hurt no one outside his own family. If there was a tragedy there, it was the waste of government time and money led by the American Savonarola, Ken Starr.

This President has lied his way into a war that has cost 3000 American lives, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, stirred up a world of hatred toward the USA, cost us a trillion dollars fighting the war, doubled the National Debt, given Robin Hood a bad name by stealing from the poor and giving the spoils to the rich, need I go on. He should be impeached, tried and then executed for his betrayal of our American values and laws.

Posted by: | Feb 9, 2007 12:21:34 PM

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