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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

First Hearing Friday 2/9/07 on NM Impeachment Bill: What You Can Do

UPDATE: The February 9th Senate Rules Committee hearing on this bill has been POSTPONED! The hearing has been reset for Friday, February 16th. Click here for more information.

From Desi Brown and State Sen. Ortiz y Pino’s office:
As many of you know, the first hearing on New Mexico’s attempt to call for the impeachment of George Bush and Dick Cheney will be this Friday, February 9th at 9 AM in the Senate Rules Committee, Room 321. I volunteer for Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino and have been asked to write a summary of what we would like for local activists and interested parties to do in the coming days both before and after this hearing.

-- This is our chance to legitimately affect national policy, and it could hinge on as little as a couple of votes in a couple of committees. Every individual, group, organization, etc who is in support of this bill needs to work their tail off doing the below listed things for the next few weeks. NOW is the time, this is YOUR chance!

-- Help us make this bill a reality! Think of it this way – we could be the heroes of several BILLION people from around the world if we are successful!

First – It is important to understand that a large number of well respected elected officials are really laying their careers on the line in supporting this resolution, therefore it is the least that we can do as activists to support them in a way that will reflect favorably on them and for passage of this bill. This means that our actions in public will be viewed as an extension of people such as Senators Ortiz y Pino or Grubesic. Please be respectful, don’t use rhetoric, and present yourselves as respectable citizens when discussing this issue with other legislators, the media, and the public.

Prior to the first hearing: There are a small handful of Senators who need to be targeted. These include:

E-mail them, stop by their offices, call them, talk to them and their staff. They are all uncommitted to supporting this bill as of now.  All other Democrats in these committees have signaled their intention to support the resolution. PLEASE BE POLITE AND TO THE POINT.

At the first hearing (and others): We will try to have information and possibly a meeting room available prior to the start of this meeting in order to make sure everyone is on the same page and sending a unified message to the committee. It is very important for us to have a significant physical presence for this bill – the more the merrier – and we want you to stand and speak if given the opportunity. If you do speak, keep it short, succinct, articulate and on topic. Pick a couple of points at most from those listed below. Remember, the less you talk, the more additional people have a chance to voice their opinion as well.

CAUTIONARY NOTE: It is also important that we all honor the legislative process and stay focused on the wording of the bill (SJR 05 – Available on the NM Legislature website ) and the reasons why these senators are discussing this bill. If members of the crowd are unruly, stray from the message of the resolution, or are in some other way distracting from the message of the bill – it may NOT pass!

As much as we all (myself included!) would like to wear inflammatory t-shirts, shout slogans, and talk about the atrocities that have occurred as a result of these two people’s actions – we must not do that in the Roundhouse. Tentative support that we may gain from the above uncommitted Senators can be lost as a result of just one person’s failure to adhere to these requests!

However, there is still a lot you can do:

    1. – great talking points for our bill! (see links below)

What to talk or write about:

    1. Points city - (Substitute the word ‘state’ for ‘city’)
    2. Points poliitical issues - Political Issues
    3. Points general - Impeachable Offenses

These are all handy to have when talking to others! Copy them and use them, they are well written!

If any of you have additional ideas or comments regarding trying to get the activist community more involved in this issue, please contact me directly or contact Senator Ortiz y Pino’s office at (505) 986-4380.

Thanks for your interest and support!
Desi Brown, (505)256-0668

February 6, 2007 at 11:05 AM in Impeachment, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


We must get a huge crowd at this hearing. We'll be getting national media coverage and the legislators must know that there is powerful support for it. Remember how cowardly the Democrats in DC are acting. This may be our only hope to stop the crazy man in the white house!

Posted by: El Norte | Feb 6, 2007 4:19:12 PM

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