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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Equality NM Legislative Update: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

From Equality New Mexico: Busy Week at the Legislature

Scheduled for Hearing this Thursday, February 15
HB 603, The Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act has been scheduled for public hearing in the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee meeting this Thursday, February 1, 2007, at 1:30 PM in Room 315 of the Roundhouse.

This Domestic Partnership legislation is the centerpiece of our legislative agenda this year.  If it passes, HB603 would allow any two non-familial adults in an intimate relationship to form a domestic partnership.  This domestic partnership would provide the couple with all of the rights, protections and responsibilities available to married couples on the state level.   


The House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee is the first stop for this legislation, but we need to make a good showing. Equality New Mexico needs your help.  We need people in the committee room who support this legislation to send a message to the legislators that our families deserve protection.

Senate Bill 502: Amending Retiree Health Care Act Defeated In Senate Judiciary: On Friday, February 9, Senator Grubesic’s Bill to amend the Retiree Health Care Act, thereby providing health insurance to domestic partners of retired public employees was indefinitely tabled in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

After a lengthy debate in which the Republicans in the Committee attempted to amend the Bill to remove the language defining domestic partner, the Committee finally voted.  The vote was tied 4-4, with Senators Grubesic, McSorley, Lopez, and Martinez voting in favor and Senators Rainaldi, Adair, Harden and Cravens voting against. Senators William Payne and Michael Sanchez were not present during the vote. When a tie vote occurs in a committee, the bill is automatically tabled until someone changes their vote. 

While this Bill is essentially dead in committee, there is still litigation pending to resolve this matter and Equality New Mexico is continuing its aggressive lobbying efforts to pass other pieces of legislation to benefit LGBT families.

Senate Bill 182: Health Insurance for Domestic Partners Passes Senate Judiciary with Bad Amendment: On February 12, 2007, the Senate Judiciary passed Senate Bill 182, the bill that would require insurance companies to provide health insurance to domestic partners if employer’s requested, by a 6-4 vote.  Don’t celebrate yet.  The Bill was passed with an absurd amendment.  After much debate, led by the Republicans in the Committee, the Bill was Amended to take out the term “Domestic Partner” and replace it with the term “Contractual Household Member.”  If your first reaction is “HUH?!?” that is the point.  The amendment makes the bill so vague that it is unlikely to pass on the Senate Floor, which is its next stop.


House Bill 15, the mirror Bill that was brought in the House, remains intact.  It has already passed the entire House and is now in the Senate and currently assigned to Senate Public Affairs Committee and Senate Corporations and Transportation Committee.  It does not have to go through Senate Judiciary.

Marriage Bill Introduced: On Friday, Senator Cisco McSorley (D-Albuquerque), introduced Senate Bill 1003: A Bill to Change the Marriage Form. This Bill would alter the marriage form to replace the terms “bride” and “groom” with “Applicant 1” and “Applicant 2.”  Currently, New Mexico’s marriage statute is gender neutral.  However, County Clerks still cannot issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.*

*The denial of same-sex couples right to marry is based on a non-binding letter, issued by the Attorney General in 2004, stating her opinion that the statutory form which lists "bride" and "groom" prohibited marriage between same sex couples.  Senate Bill 1003 amends that section of the statutes to make the application form gender neutral.   

Equality New Mexico is committed to the pursuit of full equality for ALL New Mexicans.  We applaud Senator McSorley and all of the legislators who are committed to equality and support this legislation.  We will continue to update you as hearings are scheduled.

February 15, 2007 at 06:00 AM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


How can Lidio Rainaldi call himself a Democrat? He only votes like a Democrat when his constituents gain financially. Otherwise he seems to be there to carry the message of the Catholic church. This kind of thing has to stop. Not all New Mexicans are Catholics.

Posted by: El Norte | Feb 15, 2007 10:06:19 AM

Isn't it time for our more progressive Democrats to start explaining in clear terms to other Democrats like Rainaldi and Michael Sanchez why it is so important to support equal civil rights for all? So many Democrats here have supported equal civil rights for Hispanics and yet when it's their turn, too many vote as Catholics rather than Democrats. You don't have to approve of what someone does to support their civil right to do it.

If these old school Democrats can't move into the 21st century, I think we will have to mount campaigns to replace them. Bigotry has no place in the Democratic party.

Posted by: JJ | Feb 15, 2007 11:30:24 AM

I always thought nm was a very open, free place but if we don't treat gay people equally I won't be thinking that anymore. NOw is the time to pass the bills we need. Please talk to your friends, family and people you work with about this issue and explain how important it is to treat all our people right.

Posted by: roadrunner | Feb 15, 2007 4:24:29 PM

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