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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Tonight: DPBC Third Thursday Meeting to Tackle Intelligent Design vs. Science in the Classroom

Kickem_2From the DPBC e-news:
The Democratic Party of Bernalillo County will hold its regular Third Thursday Meeting on February 15 at 6:00 PM at the UNM Law School, Room 2402. Click for map. The topic will be the Impact on Public School Education of Non-Science in the Science Classroom. The speakers will be be Dr. Marshall Berman and M. Kim Johnson. All Democrats are welcome.

Two bills and two joint memorials -- SB 371, SJM 9, HB 506, HJM 14 -- have been introduced in the New Mexico House and Senate to “ensure that teachers have the right and freedom to teach biological origins objectively.” They use words like “scientific theories,” “credentialed scientists,” “strengths and weaknesses,” and “critically analyze.” In reality, these are euphemisms intended to cover the real intent, which is to allow teachers to teach material generated from the Intelligent Design creationist movement. We will discuss how disingenuous this legislation is, and how it will damage science education in New Mexico.

To receive the DPBC e-news, send your name, email address and county to

February 15, 2007 at 02:25 PM in Democratic Party, Education | Permalink


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