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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Comprehensive NM Ethics Reform Legislation Introduced

From the NM House Democratic Leadership:
Santa Fe, NM – House Democrats joined their Republican colleagues last week in introducing a bipartisan ethics and campaign finance reform package. The package includes:

HB 818 – Public Financing of Statewide Campaigns introduced by Speaker Ben Lujan (D-Nambe)

HB 819 – Gift Act by Rep. Gail Chasey (D-Albuquerque)

HB 820 – Legislative Campaign Funds for Office Duties introduced by Rep. Ken Martinez, House Majority Leader (D-Grants)

HB 821 – Campaign Reporting Requirements introduced by Rep. Mimi Stewart (D-Albuquerque)

HB 822 – State Ethics Commission Act introduced by Rep. Mary Helen Garcia (D-Las Cruces)

HB 823 – Prohibit Certain Acts by Public Officers introduced by Rep. Joseph Cervantes (D-Las Cruces)

HJR 6 - Distribution for Legislative Expenses, CA introduced by Rep. Ken Martinez

Speaker of the House Ben Lujan said, “Maintaining the public trust and the integrity of our democratic process is important to all of us. We are working with the recommendations provided by the Governor’s Task Force and we intend to move forward with these initiatives on ethics and campaign reform.”

Rep. Martinez said, “These bills represent a tremendous amount of work by the Governor’s Ethics Task Force. This is a comprehensive package and we have a good opportunity to pass most of these bills this year.”

Rep. Cervantes said, “These bills will eliminate a pay-to-play approach to government. This is an area where New Mexico can lead the nation by adopting these reforms. They will provide citizens with the greatest assurance of ethical standards from state leaders and state officials.”

Rep. Chasey said, “We appreciate the work of the Ethics Task Force. These bills give us the opportunity to provide greater transparency in government.”

Rep. Stewart said, “I want to commend the task force on the broad view they took on ethics reform in New Mexico. We will work hard as a legislative body to pass these reforms.”

Rep. Garcia said, “New Mexico is one of the 10 states that haven’t instituted a state’s ethics commission. It’s well overdue to resolve some of the ethical problems the state has encountered.’

Rep. Eric Youngberg (R-Albuquerqe) said, “While I worked on the subcommittee that dealt with the possible impeachment of (former State Treasurer Robert) Vigil, it became clear that New Mexico was ripe for ethical reform. I am looking forward to this bipartisan effort to ensure that integrity in government is upheld.”

Rep. Kathy McCoy (R-Cedar Crest) said, “We strongly support transparency and accountability in government and quick disclosure of campaign contributions. As a member of the Governor’s Ethics Task Force, I know that the public is desperate to see public officials conduct business ethically. Our citizens deserve nothing less. Recent scandals in state agencies reflect on all of us and the public deserves lawmakers they can trust.”

Editor's Note: The website of Common Cause NM is a good place for information on the NM ethics reform package and ways you can support the effort. As the legislative session progresses they'll be issuing email alerts about this legislation. You can sign up at their website. For more on the introduction of the reform package, see this article by Steve Terrell at the Santa Fe New Mexican.

February 6, 2007 at 10:07 AM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


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