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Monday, February 05, 2007

Call the Governor on Health Security Act

From the Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign:
The Governor’s office has already received well over 100 calls asking him to support Senate Bill 720, the Health Security Act. Supporters: Please make your call to the Governor in support of Senate Bill 720, the Health Security Act, on Monday (February 5) or Tuesday (February 6). Tell your friends to call as well! In fact, tell all the people you know who support the Health Security Act that they need to call the Governor.

It’s time for the Governor to hear from the people of our state that we do not want a Massachusetts-style plan that continues the trend of pouring taxpayer dollars into a failing private insurance system. We want passage of the Health Security Act (Senate Bill 720), which lets New Mexico set up its own plan, like a cooperative. Calling the Governor is easy and will really help our Campaign. And NOW is the time to do it!

Be sure to let us know once you have made the call! We appreciate hearing from you.

Governor’s office: 505-827-3000. Remember to mention the Health Security Act (Senate Bill 720) by name and bill number.

Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing
The Health Security Act (Senate Bill 720) will have its first hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee sometime this coming week—either Wednesday or Friday. Below are the names of the Judiciary Committee members and their telephone numbers at the capitol.

Sen. Cisco McSorley, Chair (D) – Senate District 16 (Albuquerque): 986-4485

Sen. Richard C. Martinez, Vice Chair (D) – Senate District 5 (Rio Arriba County): 986-4389

Sen. William H. Payne, Ranking Member (R) – Senate District 20 (Albuquerque): 986-4276

Sen. Rod Adair (R) – Senate District 33 (Chaves County): 986-4385

Sen. Kent L. Cravens (R) – Senate District 21 (Albuquerque): 986-4391

Sen. John T. L. Grubesic (D) – Senate District 25 (Santa Fe): 986-4260

Sen. Clinton D. Harden (R) – Senate District 7 (Colfax, Curry, Harding, Quay, San Miguel, Taos, and Union counties): 986-4369

Sen. Linda M. Lopez (D) – Senate District 11 (Albuquerque): 986-4737

Sen. Lidio G. Rainaldi (D) – Senate District 4 (Cibola and McKinley counties): 986-4310

Sen. Michael S. Sanchez (D) – Senate District 29 (Valencia County): 986-4727

If you are a constituent of one of the above state senators, we will let you know when to call him or her.

Don’t Know Who Your State Senator Is? Here’s how to find out:

There are also Senate district maps available: click on “Districts” instead of “Find Your Legislator” and chose the statewide map or the Albuquerque map. If you have any questions, contact Josette (771-8763;

February 5, 2007 at 11:56 AM in Healthcare, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


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