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Thursday, January 11, 2007

TODAY: Say NO! to More Troops

Say "No" to More Troops

Many activist and grassroots groups are joining together to convince Dems and others to say NO to Bush, including Democracy for America, CodePINK, NOW, Working Assets, MoveOn, TrueMajority , Sojourners and many others. Visit AmericaSaysNo.org, sign the petition and register for one of the protest events scheduled for locations all over the nation TODAY.

An Albuquerque event will be held at the downtown office of Sen. Pete Domenici at 201 Third St. NW at Noon on Thursday, January 11. In Taos, protestors will gather at Wholly Rags, 112 Alexander B4, at 4:00 PM today. In Los Alamos, a protest vigil is set for 1808 Central today at 6:00 PM. Type in your zip code at the America Says No site for more details and events around the nation.

Other Action
Click to sign Sen. Russ Feingold's citizen petition to redeploy the troops and be sure to read his op-ed on using Congress' power of the purse to stop Bush's escalation that was published today in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Sen. Harry Reid has a petition at Give 'Em Hell Harry.

January 11, 2007 at 10:16 AM in Events, Iraq War, Local Politics | Permalink


Going to a hour long protest of sound and fury signifying nothing isn't going to do anything. Last night White Souse 'News' Correspondants were reporting after the speech while Protestors raged outside the gate. No Video, No Interviews. The Protestors were right, but these days they seem more worried about Bomb Anderson. Americans need to revolt and go on strike for a week or two. I fear we're in for a real shit storm!

Posted by: | Jan 11, 2007 11:37:59 AM

You may be right but I think everything helps build momentum against Bush. Everyone goes at it from their own angle and what they feel comfortable with. It was great to hear the antiwar chants in the background when David Gregory was doing his report from the WH even if the shithead wouldn't mention them.

I like swamping our members of congress with phone calls, emails and faxes too.

At times like this who knows what will help or not help. But you have to admit the energy has changed.

Posted by: Dovie | Jan 11, 2007 12:08:32 PM

I think this is hopeful:

12 Noon today (1-11-07) - A press conference at the National Press Club –

What: Press Conference to Launch Americans Against Escalation in Iraq.

A number of large national groups—including SEIU, MoveOn.org Political Action, USAction, Campaign for America's Future, Win Without War, VoteVets, United States Student Association and Center for American Progress Action Fund are launching a campaign to oppose the escalation of the war in Iraq called "Americans Against Escalation in Iraq."

When: Today, Thursday, January 11, 2007. Doors open at Noon—event starts at 12:30. Free lunch.

Where: National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW, 13th Floor

Kos diary

Posted by: barb | Jan 11, 2007 12:25:41 PM


The senseless and useless demonstration happened at noon today. There were about 150 people there. Lots of people were angry and felt strongly. There were reporters and cameras there also. First good reporter coverage in a long time. KUNM was there, of course!

The people had plenty of spirit, even the people driving by were moved by our messages and our demonstrations. It looked as though 90% of the people driving by supported our action against Bush. It was invigorating to be there.

Terry Riley

Yes, it does make a difference. For one thing, Domenici's staff closed their office and either ran out a back door or hid in a back office.

Posted by: Terry Riley | Jan 11, 2007 3:06:18 PM

Terry, thanks for the report. I was there in spirit but had to miss it in person. Sounds like a strong turnout and great that the Domenici people had to flee.

Posted by: Red or Green | Jan 11, 2007 3:30:39 PM

I was shocked 'late' last night to see a protest in New Orleans 1,000+ strong. I was watching cable news yesterday and they were talking about David Beckam all day! There were large protests yesterday against GITMO! I really think at some point we need to protest the corporate media!

Posted by: | Jan 12, 2007 6:53:00 AM

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