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    Thursday, January 25, 2007

    More National Attention for NM Impeachment Resolution

    The Nation's John Nichols comments on the New Mexico impeachment resolution, Jack Cafferty's respectful reporting about it on CNN and its premise being bolstered by the ongoing Scooter Libby trial. Building, building, building. As was said at the resolution press conference, "'We created a ripple. Your voice is going to turn it into a tidal wave hopefully." Only if we keep up the pressure...

    Where is Richardson on impeachment?
    What I and many others are awaiting is a definitive word from the presidential candidate from NM, Gov. Bill Richardson, on this matter. You'd think he'd be weighing in on an impeachment effort being launched within his own state legislature, but you'd be wrong. Apparently he'd rather talk about other matters less "controversial." Personally, I think if Richardson wants serious consideration as a presidential candidate, he should comment seriously about perhaps the most important issue on the table: Bush's lawbreaking and what to do about it. What about it, Governor?

    January 25, 2007 at 01:40 PM in Civil Liberties, Impeachment, Iraq War, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


    Absolutely! It actually already looks bad, because this goes along with many complaints of not paying attention to what is going on in his own state for so long, even though he won re-election (you think that would have made him happy enough).

    One other note. I just want to say what a great blog you keep! So much information and news A sort of one stop shopping. THANK YOU.

    Posted by: Linda in SFNM | Jan 25, 2007 2:32:46 PM

    I support the impeachment of Bush because I believe that it is the only way that we can tell citizens of other countries that we do not support what Bush has done. The world is either mad at us or scared of us. Neither of these positions is good for our country. An action, like an impeachment, would get a lot of support internationally.

    In order to remain a player in the international scene, we have to denounce Bush. This action coming from New Mexico will make the necessary statement AND it will be an advantage to the Governor in international negotating after he is elected President.

    Terry Riley

    Posted by: Terry Riley | Jan 25, 2007 3:50:36 PM

    I support impeachment, basically because I truly believe that this President, his vice President and administration have committed numerous high crimes and misdemeanors. The other side of it is that we must send a strong message to future would be presidents that the behavior of the Bu$h cabal can not and will not be tolerated. Elected presidents can not ignore the Constitution and rule of law without suffering consequences.

    Posted by: VP | Jan 25, 2007 7:35:56 PM

    Well, just sent a letter to the Alibi in support of impeachment, but it's kind of long (not to mention I'm half asleep and not in possession of all my wits). Hopefully it'll get published.

    Posted by: | Jan 26, 2007 7:26:49 AM

    Linda, thanks for the kind words. Lots of good comments above.

    I support impeachment because it keeps the pressure on Congress so they don't forget why they are there. Whether the impeachment efforts are successful or not, the efforts themselves keep the facts about BushCo's crimes in the public eye and emphasize to Congress that the American voting public is strongly against this war and Bush's executive imperialism.

    Posted by: barb | Jan 26, 2007 11:23:20 AM

    You'd think Richardson would use the national attention to make a statement on this that would get him votes all over the country, like he did with paper ballots. Its a real mistake for him to hide on this issue.

    Take a stand Gov. Richardson!

    Posted by: I Vote | Jan 26, 2007 5:05:16 PM

    First, I should probably mention that I am a registered Independent, though admittedly most of my philosophies are fairly liberal. Next, all apologies if this seems a bit snide, but one of my biggest problems with the Democrat Party is that their excessive willingness to compromise. Being able to give for what you take is great, and so is the ability to compromise, but they need to realize that sometimes, right is right, and wrong is wrong.

    I love Pelosi, and I love the job she's doing... but I was quite angry when she made it clear she had no intentions to pursue impeachment. Why not? Bush has killed thousands with his blunders, he deliberately lied to start a war (which is quite possibly Treason in itself... "...levying war against them [the US]"), he condoned torture... well, he calls it "alternative/aggressive interrogation"... the rest of the world calls it torture. I kinda wonder how Hitler described what happened in the Concentration Camps.

    That's bad enough, but even after the voters clearly said that "stay the course" isn't an option, he insists on staying the course in Iraq. What happened to the days when elected officials answered to the US citizens?

    Posted by: | Jan 26, 2007 10:17:14 PM

    I want to think Pelosi knows that they will be addressing impeachment at some point, but she doesn't want it to diminish the "wow" of her first 100 hr agenda. She wants to get a positive starting record as a foundation for what's to come. Admitted, I could be completely wrong on that, but timing can make a big difference in politics. I do agree that the Dem's have been way too quick to compromise when they needed to stand firm or be more aggressive with their opposition, but then I also realize that they didn't have too many options the last 12 years.

    Posted by: VP | Jan 27, 2007 7:42:00 AM

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