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    Friday, January 26, 2007

    Plea from Reporter: CBS Filtering TV News on Iraq

    Very important: A plea from the CBS Senior Foreign Correspondent in Baghdad, embedded with the U.S. military, for citizens to urge CBS News to air one of her reports on their TV news show rather than solely on their website. Click for a Daily Kos diary on this that includes a link to the powerful and graphic video story filed by reporter Lara Logan about the two-week old, ongoing battles on Haifa Street in Baghdad.

    Images can change people's minds. Apparently CBS News doesn't want its TV viewers to be exposed to the truth of what's going on in the streets of central Baghdad. Here's their excuse: "the Executive Producer of the Evening News thought some of the images in it were a bit strongĀ­ plus on that day the program was already packed with other Iraq news." News programmers outside the U.S. aren't worried about airing "strong" video. Here's an example shown by Britain's Channel 4 News.

    You can contact CBS News via a link in the Kos diary. There's also a suggestion that we send the video link to our members of Congress.

    And here's another example of how war news is being "managed" in the U.S. Quote:

    BAGHDAD, Iraq -- Contrary to U.S. military statements, four U.S. soldiers did not die repelling a sneak attack at the governor's office in the Shiite holy city of Karbala last week. New information obtained by The Associated Press shows they were abducted and found dead or dying as far as 25 miles away.

    The brazen assault 50 miles south of Baghdad was launched Jan. 20 by a group of nine to 12 militants. They traveled in black GMC Suburban vehicles -- the type used by U.S. government convoys, had American weapons, wore new U.S. military combat fatigues and spoke English.

    More news like this at Spread the Word: Iraq-Nam.

    January 26, 2007 at 10:06 AM in Iraq War, Media | Permalink


    A question I've wanted to ask for some time now is "Which local station is most deserving of the title, 'Spokesstation for the GOP'?"

    Posted by: viewer | Jan 27, 2007 1:52:19 AM

    The blogs were incensed yesterday at the lack of coverage by MSM of the GOP senators sabotaging the minimum wage.
    Thankfully, our Sen. Dominici was not a part of the list of shame.
    It is funny how everyone is angry by the thought of stopping a minimum wage raise but without exception, there is no analysis as to WHY we need this raise or whether the raise is adequate. This lack of justification opens the issue to GOP arguments against it.
    Right or wrong, when the left walks mindlessly in lock step it is as dangerous and idiotic as on the goose stepping right.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Jan 27, 2007 11:25:47 AM

    Actually, Sen. Domenici IS on the list of shame regarding raising the minimum wage nationally. He voted AGAINST cloture, which means he voted not to permit a vote on the actual bill. In essence, he voted for a filibuster. The bill needs at least 60 votes to bring cloture so that it can be voted on. The Dems will continue working to get the support needed to get a roll call on the bill itself but the Repubs keep trying to add harmful amendments instead of allowing a bill focused entirely on the minimum wage. Here's the official

    on the cloture action. You can see that Bingaman voted Yay (to bring the bill to a vote) and Domenici voted Nay (to stop a vote)

    | Jan 27, 2007 1:29:54 PM

    Gadzooks Barb!
    Cruel old man. Let's remember this in 2 years.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Jan 28, 2007 1:49:54 PM

    I know I'll be remembering this in two years, as well as a number of other things he's done that miffed me.

    Kinda funny... people keep accusing the media in general (with the exception of fox news, of course... fox news is always faultless, isn't it) of being left-biased.

    Posted by: | Jan 29, 2007 2:29:27 AM

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