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    Monday, January 22, 2007

    Support NM Effort to Impeach Bush and Cheney

    Editor's Note: A press conference about NM Senator Gerald Ortiz y Pino's impeachment bill will be held at the Rotunda in the Roundhouse in Santa Fe on Tuesday, January 23. Meet at the ground floor of the Roundhouse at Noon for lobbying and then join the press conference at 1:00 PM in the Capitol Rotunda. All are invited and urged to attend! For more information contact legislative aide Desi Brown at (505)256-0668 or desibrown@comcast.net. Click for flyer (doc).

    From Terry Riley:
    Please act on this request ASAP. We have a chance to force our national legislators to do what they seem to be afraid to do. We need to show the world that we do not support Bush, especially since it is very likely that he will be attacking Iran very soon. We have to act NOW before the whole world acts against us.

    There is a bill being presented in the legislature this Tuesday to bring impeachment proceedings against Bush and Cheny. According to the Constitution, if a state legislature passes a bill like this and it is presented to Congress, Congressman Udall has agreed to carry it (I believe), the Congress has to put aside all other matters and begin impeachment proceedings. WOW! Please be a part of this very important action:

    Please thank:
    Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino: jortizyp@aol.com
    Sen. John Grubesic, Rules Committee Vice Chair: john.grubesic@nmlegis.gov

    Please ask these Rules Committee Members to cosponsor:
    Sen. Linda Lopez, Rules Committee Chair: linda.lopez@nmlegis.gov
    Sen. Cisco McSorley: cisco.mcsorley@nmlegis.gov
    Sen. Dede Feldman: dede.feldman@nmlegis.gov

    Send them a message something like this (change and expand as you like):

    Please cosponsor, along with Senators Ortiz y Pino and Grubesic, the resolution to petition the U.S. House of Representatives to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney. If we go into the next presidency having established that a president can lie us into war, spy on us in violation of the law, detain without charge, and torture, we will be throwing away the democracy we've struggled to keep and expand for over 200 years. We all have a solemn duty to work for the impeachment of men who have made our executive branch of government into a monarchy. You are in a position to play a key role in making this happen. Please do the right thing. Make the choice you would want your great-grandchildren to be proud of.

    More information: https://www.afterdowningstreet.org/nm

    Thank you,
    Terry Riley
    Veterans for Peace
    Military Families Speak Out

    Editor's Note: Also see our earlier post.

    January 22, 2007 at 03:37 PM in Civil Liberties, Impeachment, Iraq War, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


    I have already Emailed them, but I'll send them another just for good measure.

    Posted by: VP | Jan 22, 2007 9:12:12 PM

    Just e-mailed Ortiz y Pino through congress.org

    Posted by: | Jan 22, 2007 9:37:18 PM

    I just wanted you to know I emailed the people you had listed here.

    Please start an email chain to gather support amongst the american people to support the bill by the brave senators from New Mexico to impeach Bush and Cheney! We must get them out of office! These two are destroying the American ideals that this country was founded on and I am sick of them! If we could impeach Clinton over a cigar and a bimbo - how can we sleep as Americans when these tow men have lied to the world - involved us in a war that is a disgrace, lost thousands of American, Iraqi and International lives, cost us billions upon billions of dollars and most importantly cost us our dignity in the world. Today, when I travel overseas, I am ashamed to say I am an American! People think we have lost our minds to have such men leading our country, supposedly with our support! Let's show the world we DO still have some backbone and get these men out of office before they attack Iran!
    thank you very much
    Meredith Wright
    Houma, Louisiana

    Posted by: meredith wright | Jan 24, 2007 6:01:08 PM

    Revelation 13:5 - Are we in this 42 month period?

    Posted by: | Mar 22, 2007 3:56:45 PM

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