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    Friday, January 19, 2007

    Next Up on Insight NM Radio: Saturday 1.20.07

    Insight New Mexico, the new radio talk show about local politics hosted by Eric Griego and produced by Suzanne Prescott, continues this Saturday from 3:00 to 4:00 PM on Progressive Talk Radio, 1350AM. See our previous post for more info on this excellent new weekly progressive forum and call-in show. Also be sure to check out the show's website and blog at .

    The January 20 show lineup Includes:

    Mimi_stewart150Mimi Stewart - serves in the New Mexico House of Representative from District 21. In the past Mimi has been Chair of the Government & Urban Affairs Committee and active on the following House Committees: Judiciary, Water & Natural Resources, Courts Corrections & Justice, and Legislative Education Study. Mimi can be reached at: mstewart@osogrande.com

    Katenash133Kate Nash - is an Albuquerque Tribune political columnist familiar to readers throughout to New Mexico and a special favorite of political junkies, traversing the hectic and often tumultuous landscape of New Mexico politics. Contact Kate at

    Monahan150Joe Monahan - Joe's blog could just be the most widely read blog by political insiders in New Mexico. Joe's wide network of contacts, friends and confidantes bring local and timely news to his blog, New Mexico Politics with Joe Monahan. What insider information captured reader interest this week? Tune in to find out. Kate Nash reports that Monahan describes his blog as "the front page, the entertainment page, the sports page and the editorial page all rolled into one. "New Mexico Politics with Joe Monahan: https://joemonahansnewmexico.blogspot.com/

    A Surprise Special Guest - Eric will feature a guest from one of Albuquerque's most active advocacy groups.

    If we want this show to succeed and become a permanent part of the radio landscape here in Albuquerque, we need to tune in, call in and urge our friends and colleagues to do the same. If you'd like to learn about how you can become a supporter or sponsor of the show, contact Suzanne Prescott at .

    January 19, 2007 at 10:10 AM in Local Politics, Media, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


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