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    Thursday, January 25, 2007

    Minutemen vs. ACLU: 2/11/07 at Congregation Albert

    From Congregation Albert Brotherhood:
    Brunch and Speakers: Immigration and the Border Region
    Speakers: Bob Wright, Deputy National Executive Director, Minuteman Civil Defense Corps and Peter Simonson, Executive Director, American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico
    Social Hall of Congregation Albert
    3800 Louisiana NE, Albuquerque
    Sunday February 11, 10 AM
    Brunch $11 Nonmembers, Debate Only Free
    RSVP by Feb. 8th at 883-1818, ext. 3203

    New Mexico is a border state and consequently is central to the debate on illegal immigration. Gov. Bill Richardson declared a state of emergency last year in four border counties citing a chaotic situation involving illegal alien smuggling and drug shipments. Richardson, while seeming to take a strong stand against illegal immigration, then contradictorily signed legislation giving some illegal aliens in-state tuition rates at our public universities. He also issued an executive order that in effect prohibits state and local enforcement agencies from cooperating with federal authorities solely in regard to inquiring about a person’s immigration status.

    Meanwhile, prior to the midterm elections, the Republican controlled U. S. Congress was unable to enact any meaningful immigration reform. Still, demonstrations against any proposed crackdown on illegal immigration brought thousands of protesters into the streets across the country. Here in the southwest we have witnessed the rise of citizens groups such as the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, viewed by some as vigilantes and by others as a needed grassroots effort to step in where government has failed. Other groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union are concerned with defending the civil and constitutional rights of immigrants, whether they are here legally or not. The illegal immigration debate encompasses a wide range of difficult issues and conflicting opinions.

    Join us at 10:00 am on Sunday, February 11th in the Social Hall of Congregation Albert (3800 Louisiana NE) when our speakers will be Bob Wright, Deputy National Executive Director, Minuteman Civil Defense Corps and Peter Simonson, Executive Director, American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico.

    The cost for brunch is $8 for Brotherhood/Sisterhood members and $11 for others, including the general public. Please reserve before Feb. 8th by calling 883-1818, ext. 3203, and leaving your name, phone number and the number attending. We are expecting a large turnout so make your reservations early.

    Editor's Note: If you don't want to purchase the brunch, you can still attend the speaker portion for free and sit at the side of the room for the debate only.

    January 25, 2007 at 08:16 AM in Civil Liberties, Events, Immigration | Permalink


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