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    Tuesday, January 23, 2007

    Mayor Marty: Big Plans for NM 10-50 Years Down the Road

    According to an Albuquerque Journal article today, Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez is already setting things in motion for a possible run for NM Governor in 2010. That's right, 2010, three years hence. We presume he'll be running as a Democrat, although he's been making nice with many Repubs during his last two mayoral campaigns. On Friday he formed a committee called 'Marty Chavez for New Mexico' to raise campaign bucks. Next week, ex-Ambassador to Spain Ed Romero, a powerful local Dem, is hosting a $2000 a person "exploratory kickoff event," although he's claiming he's not taking sides yet.

    I guess Mayor Chavez is feeling threatened (or movitated) by current Lt. Governor Diane Denish's frequent announcements that she'll be running for guv in '08, as well as her accumulated $1 million campaign fund as of the end of '06. Denish, who's already well known and liked all over the state and is a past Chair of the Democratic Party of NM, will also have the advantage of increased media coverage when she''s in charge of running the store during Gov. Richardson's out of state trips to campaign for the presidency. Chavez had this say about his plans:

    "It's pretty hard to deny I would like to be governor," he said, "and I've got very, very strong ideas about where I'd like to see New Mexico 10 years, 50 years down the road. But it's premature for those right now. I've got the biggest city in the state to run and that's my number one priority."

    I don't know, isn't it customary for candidates to want to represent their CONSTITUENTS' ideas and viewpoints more than their own when expressing a desire to run for office? Not in this case. Then again, the Mayor has a habit of suggesting citizens take his way or the highway with issues like APS Board appointments, minimum wage raises for the city, roads through the Petroglyph National Monument, Downtown event centers and bars that offer fenced off areas for underage music fans. I can only imagine what he's hatching for New Mexico 10-50 years down the line. One thing we can be sure of is that the plans will almost certainly match the desires of big donor developers, some of his biggest contributors.

    Recently, Mayor Chavez has also expressed an interest in running for Pete Domenici's Senate seat, but only if Domenici chooses not to run for another term in 2008. Of late, Sen. Domenici has been emphasizing he will, indeed, run again.

    So far, Chavez hasn't had any success with running for statewide office. In 1998 he ran for governor, with Denish running for Lt Governor, but lost to Repub incumbent Gov. Gary Johnson by a margin of 54% to $46%, or 34,000 votes. Denish was also defeated, by Repub incumbent Lt. Gov. Walter Bradley.

    January 23, 2007 at 11:05 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


    I hope Marty and Pete both run, that way I'll enjoy getting to vote against both of them, LOL.

    Posted by: VP | Jan 23, 2007 12:23:09 PM

    Marty as Senator or Governor would be a nightmare if you ask me. He never saw a big dollar campaign contributor he wasn't willing to obey. I think he's one of the most selfish and crooked Dem pols we have here. He didn't used to be that way but he has gotten corrupted big time.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Jan 23, 2007 1:50:33 PM

    What i can caution to Mayor Chavez is this. Watch out for persons such as Eric Griego and Diane Denish. The driving force to get the Guv to force our state auditor canditate Jeff Armijo off the ballot. Without a doubt, they will come after you. Mayor get ready for a very dirty campaign. The Armijo family will be much more prepared this time around. You can bet on that.

    Dan Armijo and Laurel Griego/Armijo

    Posted by: dan armijo | Jan 23, 2007 8:04:01 PM

    The Armijo family keeps spreading these kinds of empty rumors but they have no basis in fact. They are excuses for problems they have within themselves. People are tired of corruption in the old family politics of the past. We need to move on to more honest politics that serves the people and isn't based on bribes and connections and stealing from the people to feed the machine.

    We all know Marty Chavez is corrupt too. We need to check and see how many ofhis friends gain so much money with the Westland Corp deal and think about why the petroglyph road was so important to him and his cronies.

    Posted by: No. NM | Jan 24, 2007 2:12:12 AM

    Oh dear gods, no... not Marty...

    No offense to his supporters, but I really don't like the guy.

    Posted by: | Jan 25, 2007 6:36:51 AM

    No basis in FACT? So now we are worried about facts?! You were not so worried about the facts when it came to allegations, which are still just that. Answer me this - Is it not a fact that at the Bernalillo County Convention, just after the Mayoral race, that Armijo was told by E. Griego that he pledged to, "f+@*ing ruin" him or that C. Bundy assaulted Armijo's 63 year old father at the SCC meeting at TVI - now CNM? Why would these folks do this? To further their own agenda. This very group was addressed by Soltari and Bundy about how negative campaigning works and how they promoted it even though it didn't work for Griego (and many other candidates that they endorsed) in the Mayoral race. Timing is the key for more FACTS on how these desperate politicians will be exposed. They wanted to be opportunistic and so shall we!

    I believe that I have met many new people, especially when my brother was campaigning... many of the good and some of them shady. I hear a lot of this "old political family" and "patron system" talk and I agree with a lot of it, but only if it is sincere not just some Karl Rove verbage tactic of using buzz words. I would only plea to those of you who feel close to people that you want in office to truly examine if they are what they say they are.... that is that they may be using your good intentions for their bad intentions... it doesn't make sense to trade one patron system for another. I apologize if this post is somewhat John Kerryish and long. One last point... the thing I love best about elections is that it should be a contest between candidates and their proposed ideas and/or accomplishments, but as of late it seems that elections have been based on horrible campaign stategies that focus on deconstructing the opponent instead of promoting thyself because they have no record and asking the public to fund these campaigns because they don't know how to fundraise. A harsh reality for our critics is that the majority of ordinary New Mexicans think like us and support us rather than support our critics' radical ideologies! FACT - Our family has won more elections than lost. Can you just hear the rocky anthem???

    Posted by: Westside Voter | Jan 26, 2007 6:23:04 PM

    All hearsay, as you know. If some "assault" took place why weren't the police called?

    Many in the progressive community had respect for the Armijos and supported the run for office, only to be accused in public at meetings of being "Easterners" and such. Then came the really ugly name calling on blogs like this one and elsewhere that came across as something from the Republican Freeper boards. I found it very sad that you resorted to that.

    If you think those critical of the old corrupt machine here are "radicals" you really have a delusion view of politics. Sorry, the time of the Montoyas and the Vigils and bribery and bullying is at last coming to an end. Sticking up for it and accusing honest people in politics of dirty dealings is easy, but people see through it.

    I am a native NM too but I am sick of certain families stealing from their own. There are more and more Hispanics here waking up and starting new political energies. Griego, Moe Maestas, Hector Balderas and many more. I side with them. And I shouldn't be called names because I do.

    Posted by: No. NM | Jan 26, 2007 6:46:02 PM

    I don't really know why this discussion is going on here. From my memory this blog was always fair to both Armijo and the challenger and has always been critical of Dems when they needed it. I think the criticism should be aimed somewhere else.

    Posted by: I Vote | Jan 26, 2007 6:55:59 PM

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