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    Friday, January 12, 2007

    Join Martin Sheen in Supporting The Elevator Nine

    UPDATE 1.18.07: The trial has been postponed. Click here for more information.

    Editor's Note: The Elevator (or Santa Fe) Nine are being tried in connection with their participation in civil disobedience last September at the Federal Building in Santa Fe while attempting to collect the signature of Sen. Pete Domenici on a Declaration of Peace.

    From Bud and the Elevator Nine:
    PLEASE Come SUPPORT the Elevator 9 Trial on 1/25 and STAND UP against the war. Martin Sheen will be there. SHALOM!

    Hello Friends, the Elevator 9 needs your SUPPORT!!! Please attend our trial on January 25th at 9AM at the Federal Court House in Albuquerque at 421 Gold SW (directions below). Please bring your family, friends, coworkers, fellow PEACE activists, congregation members, and anyone else who standsfor PEACE and is against the war in Iraq.

    Activist and actor Martin Sheen will also be there to lend support and STAND UP FOR PEACE and AGAINST THIS WAR!

    Because of Mr. Sheen's presence we expect both print and television media so please bring your signs and banners for PEACE and AGAINST THE WAR. Please let the media know visually about the 3,015+ American dead and the 655,000+ Iraqi dead. Please let them know of the 22,057+ Americans wounded and the countless Iraqis wounded. This should be a good venue for getting our PEACEFUL ANTIWAR MESSAGE (as well as some facts about the war) out to our fellow New Mexicans.

    We know this is a work day but we could really use your SUPPORT!!! We hope you can make the effort to attend. We're not sure of the capacity of the courtroom or how long this trial will be, but we hope to have a rotating group (depending on the authorities) moving from inside the courtroom to back outside at the Demonstration for PEACE. Please remember to treat everyone working at the Federal Courthouse or any Police or Security with respect. If you are in attendance at the trial please don't be unruly as it may have negative consequences for the Elevator 9.

    For Father John Dear's account of what happened read this article on Common Dreams. For more on the story and photos of some of us in the elevator visit the Pax Christi New Mexico website.

    DIRECTIONS to the Courthouse:

    PLEASE PASS THIS ON and thank you for your past support and your time and effort in Standing Up for PEACE & JUSTICE. Questions? Email bud@siochainworld.org.

    Pace e Bene! Bud Ryan

    January 12, 2007 at 10:07 AM in Civil Liberties, Iraq War | Permalink


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