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    Tuesday, January 16, 2007

    JOIN IN: Help PSN, Moveon & Kennedy Launch the 50-State Response to Bush's Iraq Escalation Plan

    From David Sirota:
    A press release was just issued by the Progressive States Network (PSN) about the kickoff of a 50-state legislative response to President Bush's Iraq escalation plan. Tomorrow, January 17th at 9:30 AM MST, PSN will be holding a conference call with Moveon.org, other grassroots groups, Sen. Ted Kennedy and legislators from all over the country to launch the campaign to have state legislatures introduce and pass resolutions demanding Congress stop Bush's escalation. You can join the call by RSVP-ing at here. (I just did.)

    Editor's Note: A previous post reports that NM Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino will be introducing a Memorial calling for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. Ortiz y Pino also plans to introduce a resolution that calls for the impeachment of Cheney and Bush. I imagine he would want to participate in this 50-state escalation fight at the legislative level. Are you ready to join in and contact NM legislators to gain their support as well? We'll keep you posted.

    January 16, 2007 at 11:14 AM in Iraq War, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


    It'd be funny if it weren't so sad. As Bush said, he and his party took a "thumping" in November. That would mean that the voters do NOT want to simply "stay the course," which he fully intends to do.

    While I do not support simply ditching Iraq to the mess we made and leaving it ripe for the picking for the next ambitious prick of a dictator (much what happened to Germany after WWI, leading to WW2), I also do not support a surge in troops after the report from the study group. An increase in troops would simply increase the hostilities from those who don't like us being there, and would risk spreading the conflict into the surrounding countries, and turn a blundered... what should we call this now? "Screwed up policing," perhaps? Anyway, escalating the troops may very well escalate whatever the hell it is in Iraq into a very real war, with a number of nations involved. I don't know that I'd call it a World War, but I wouldn't discard that notion, either.

    Gee, thanks Bush.

    Posted by: | Jan 16, 2007 11:12:33 PM

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