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    Wednesday, January 10, 2007

    Join ACORN at Minimum Wage Lobby Day

    From NM ACORN:
    Join us for the 2007 New Mexicans for Fair Wage Lobby Day, Thursday, January 18. We expect Minimum Wage legislation to move quickly this year, so we are storming the Roundhouse early to make sure we get a bill that's better than what Congress is considering.  We want:

    Meet us at 10:30 AM on the 18th at the East entrance to the Roundhouse for a brief rally before breaking into delegations to talk to legislators. We will then rally with our Sponsor and Supporters at 12:00 Noon on the West Steps of the Roundhouse.

    To get on ACORN's buses from Albuquerque or Las Cruces, email Matthew Henderson at nmacorn@acorn.org.

    January 10, 2007 at 07:31 AM in Labor, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


    Listening to House debate on the Minimum Wage, and find it amazing how all of a sudden the Republicans are soooooo worried about providing "Health Insurance" for employees of small businesses, including our own Wilson. They want to keep the min wage the same if small businesses provide Health Insurance, good lord, as Rep Miller D-Cal asks. "what is it about being poor that the Republicans can't understand"? I sure hope that debate in our State House is on a higher level. For all their (Republicans) whining about a straight up or down vote in the last congress, they sure are putting up a lot of obstacles to that min wage increase. BTW it's a real pleasure to see the House Dem's voting as one and controlling the outcome, it's been a long time coming.

    Posted by: VP | Jan 10, 2007 2:51:56 PM

    Agree! And they keep digging up the false info on how raising the minimum destroys jobs. There is NO data that shows that. In fact in most places jobs increase because ordinary people have more money to spend at local businesses. My only complaint is that the wage should be going up to $10 an hour, not just $7.50

    Posted by: El Norte | Jan 11, 2007 11:30:08 AM

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