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Tuesday, January 30, 2007
House Bill 603: Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act Introduced
From Equality New Mexico:
Yesterday afternoon, Representative Mimi Stewart (D-Albuquerque), pictured left, introduced House Bill 603: Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act, on the House floor. This legislation would create a process by which any two adults in a committed relationship, fitting specific criteria would be able to register as domestic partners. Registering as domestic partners would create a series of rights and protections currently unavailable to unmarried couples.
Help Equality New Mexico Lobby for Family Protections by Donating Now.
The Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act would allow couples registering as domestic partners to have access to many of the benefits and protections currently available to married couples on the state level. These include:access to basic health coverage, family leave, presumption of parentage, decision making upon incapacity, and issues related to assuring that the person with whom you live and love is protected should you die.
Join EQNM for Lobby Day at the Roundhouse on March 5.
There are over 1400 state and federal rights and benefits that flow from marriage, most of which will not be available to domestic partners. But right now, lesbian and gay couples, and many of our senior New Mexico citizens are without a safety net for access to basic protections. This legislation would provide some of these basic rights and protections. EQNM believes in full equality for all New Mexicans, and continues to pursue full civil marriage rights for all. At this time, we are working to pass legislation to provide the most possible protections to New Mexican families.
Contact Your Legislators and Tell Them All New Mexican Families Deserve Protection
House Bill 603 has been assigned to the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee. EQNM will update information as hearings are scheduled.
Senate Bill 502: An Act to Amend the Retiree Health Care ActSenator John Grubesic (D- Santa Fe), pictured left, has introduced Senate Bill 502. This bill would amend the Retiree Health Care Act to allow domestic partners of state employees to maintain their health insurance after their state employee partner retires. The Bill is currently assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Equality New Mexico will update information when the first committee hearing is scheduled so that you may contact the members of the committee to urge them to support this important bill.
January 30, 2007 at 04:33 PM in GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink
Emails and FAXES sent, I will also follow up with snail mail to the Committee members. IMO there is absolutely NO place in New Mexico for discriminatory radical Right wing nut legislation much less writing it into our Constitution.
Posted by: VP | Jan 30, 2007 5:38:57 PM
VP: Thanks for doing that. Equality and freedom for ALL. To me, New Mexico has long been a very accepting community in terms of diversity. Kind of the traditional Western "live and let live" attitude. The anti marriage equality legislation departs from that and I hope it gets quashed early.
On the other hand, the domestic partnership bills are excellent and introduced by two of our terrific progressive legislators. I don't see why anyone reasonable would be agains people making contracts with one another. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with living on a equal basis in a civil society.
| Jan 30, 2007 5:59:01 PMNew Mexico is kind of strange on conservative/progressive attitudes throughout the state. Seems the southern half is pretty staunchly conservative while the northern half is more cosmopolitan and progressive.
When I lived in Las Cruces, I remember such things as people complaining that Earth Day should be banned as anti-Christian, and threats to sue the city over some artistic aluminum palm trees, because palm trees aren't native plants.
At any rate, I certainly would love to see more rights for the GLBT crowd, and will do what I can.
Posted by: | Jan 30, 2007 6:44:17 PM
Oops, I should have posted my comment above in the other thread. Sorry, anyway my snail mail letters will go out in the morning, I just finished printing them.
Posted by: VP | Jan 30, 2007 7:29:00 PM