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    Wednesday, January 24, 2007

    Guest Blog: Richardson Running for President a Breath of Fresh Air

    This is a Guest Blog submitted by Stephen Fox of Santa Fe:
    What wonderful news. Sorry to say, but Hillary, Obama, John Edwards, et alia., seem like recycled hacks to me, and the alternative with Bill Richardson is much more interesting. My focus is international, almost entirely international, and Richardson and his lengthy international resume is a breath of fresh air, after the inanities and ghastly absurdities evidenced thus far by Bush/Cheney/Halliburton/Rumsfeld and the reign of plutocrats.

    Let's face it: we are going to need an internationalist Democrat, if there will ever be any hope of rebuilding the USA's image internationally! Can the USA ever really recover from them and what they have perpetrated nationally and internationally? Gouging the USA's expenditures into weapons and deployment and grudge matches and another $160 billion to waste in Iraq and in Afghanistan, regardless of the loss of markets and esteem for the USA in Africa, Europe, Asia, and South America due to these depravities and depradations?

    Bill Richardson could lead such a recovery, even through the course of the candidates' dialogue, if given the chance he will get as a viable presidential candidate. I welcome his presence in the ostensibly crowded field of Democratic candidates. He won't be one to perpetuate the kind of international idiocy and unavoidable resultant decline, both internally and internationally, from which we have suffered from during the past 6 years.

    Let us New Mexicans help him win by talking with our friends, family, and colleagues in other states.

    Podemos esperar, que non?

    Guest Blogger Stephen Fox is an art dealer from Santa Fe, founder of New Millennium Fine Art, an eclectic Santa Fe gallery since 1980. Active in international and Legislature Democratic politics, he is working towards a ban on Aspartame and the establishment of a New Mexico Nutrition Council, with powers to question and even challenge the FDA. He was a "snowball-in-hell" candidate for the US Senate in 1978, and has been deemed by a Taos newspaper as a "professional idealist," from the M.K. Gandhi/Eleanor Roosevelt wing of the Democratic party. Beyond the Legislative Session, Fox is focusing hope that the World Peace Conference May 16-17 in the Capitol will turn into an eventual Peace University in Santa Fe.

    Editor's Note: We periodically publish Guest Blogs submitted by readers. If you'd like to submit a Guest Blog for possible posting here, contact me by clicking on the Email Me button on the upper left-hand corner of DFNM's main page. Guest Blogs specifically represent the views of the writer of the post and do not necessarily express the views of DFNM or others who write here.

    January 24, 2007 at 12:58 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Guest Blogger | Permalink


    Fox makes some very good points.
    I'd still like to see Gore as President,
    and Richardson as VP or Secy of State.

    Posted by: nancy | Jan 24, 2007 11:26:55 PM

    Yeah but where does the Gov. stand on the NM impeachment bill that's in the legislature now? Not a peep.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Jan 25, 2007 10:10:35 AM

    My personal opinion on Richardson is that he kind of reminds me of Bill Clinton. Not necessarily that Bill Clinton was bad, nor am I saying Richardson is bad. He's proven that he can be a great leader and negotiator. However...

    Like Clinton, I feel Richardson would attract a lot of irrational hatred. While they may not find much wrong with his policies, that will only prompt them to nosedive into his personal life to try to make him a lame duck and impeach him. Look how deep they were willing to dig on Clinton, and how many millions of dollars they wasted investigating and trying to impeach him over a personal matter.

    My personal endorsement as things currently stand is for Obama. I know there's going to be plenty of mud-slinging against him simply for his name, but I feel that most will get over it.

    Posted by: | Jan 26, 2007 11:06:28 PM

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