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    Thursday, January 04, 2007

    Foiled Again - Open Thread

    News interrupted. I've been gone again since my New Year's post, hit with the nasty sore throat - chest cold bug that has been traveling through the state -- perhaps riding on the backs of snowflakes. You never know. Anyway, given that complication to my ongoing recovery from meningitis, don't be surprised if posting is light or nonexistent for awhile yet.

    I'll make this an open thread so people can make announcements or discuss what's on their minds in the comments section. How are things going out there in your part of SnowWorld? 

    January 4, 2007 at 09:58 AM in Open Thread | Permalink


    ... too dang remniscent of 30+ years in Chicago.

    Posted by: suz | Jan 4, 2007 1:54:17 PM

    I am so enraged/saddened by the death of those two women on carlisle. They called them roommates in the paper, were they those kind of roommates? The ones that the wackos would elect facists to control the country to save them from the dreaded gay marriage??? Each one of those women were dedicated to service. Service to humans and non humans. The dreaded gays are so often in the position and life pursuit of service -teachers, nurses, therapists, artists. Where would we be without the gays?

    The poor families of these two women. The deranged male who killed them. the world is mad.

    At least they died together.

    Posted by: Mary Ellen | Jan 4, 2007 5:13:58 PM

    I second, MEB. What a terrible waste.

    Posted by: bg | Jan 4, 2007 6:49:04 PM

    On the personal front, I'm mostly trying to get used to the fact that sales in my cafepress store are slowing down now that the holidays are over... I suppose I should rejoice that there have been no returns yet.

    I'm feeling more optimistic that Democrats have control of congress right now, but am rather disappointed in Pelosi stating firmly that impeachment would not be pursued. Wanting to heal the nation and promote unity and bipartisanship are great, but a criminal is a criminal, and holding a high office should not be reason for immunity from prosecution.

    On a side note, do you take multi-vitamins regularly? Since I've started, I seldom get sick and when I do, it's quite a bit lighter than the person who gave it to me (usually my fiancee) felt.

    Posted by: | Jan 4, 2007 6:53:03 PM

    Mary Ellen, I certainly agree with you on the subject of homosexuals, and I gladly join the fight for their equal rights, but do we know for a fact that this is why that happened?

    Forgive me if I seem ignorant... weird scheduling at work, so I've not been able to keep up with local news as well as I'd like to.

    Posted by: | Jan 4, 2007 6:58:37 PM

    Randall no I do not think it was a hate crime against these two women.
    Just a deranged male full of hate in general I think.
    I was more spouting the whole notion of how we have let facists in to run this country, in part because of the gay fear bashing the right wing has done. And all the while they are jsut sweet people living full contributable lives.
    I do not understand hate like that.
    Although i admit i do hate some people.
    I guess i was also sad the paper called them roommates, but I heard last night from a friend that they were lovers and that they were open about being lesbian, but the parents wanted the word roommates in the paper. Atleast that is what the journal is saying.
    I am not sure if this is clearer, but i thought i would respond.
    Funny when i write the word lesbian above i thought twice about it, shame runs real deep.

    Posted by: Mary Ellen | Jan 5, 2007 10:41:51 AM

    Hmm... well, I did get an e-mail from Equality for NM talking about it just today. Motives are still unclear. I tend to agree with you though in the thought that the guy was basically just another nut, no offense intended to the truly mentally ill.

    In my own blog, I went on a rant about how people are becoming favorable toward extremism now, even though it is extremism that we are supposed to be fighting. It really is sad.

    Posted by: | Jan 6, 2007 2:25:37 AM

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