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    Tuesday, January 09, 2007

    Check Out Second Annual Silver City Peak Oil/Climate Change Conference

    Understanding the Present, Planning for the Future
    January 11-14, 2007
    Silco Theater, 311 N. Bullard St., Silver City, NM
    Free Admission (Speakers on large screen DVD)

    Peak Oil is the point in time when world oil production begins to decline - FOREVER. Each session features a large-screen presentation of  the speaker, with the exception of local speakers.

    CONFERENCE DETAILS: The conference begins on Thursday, January 11th, 2007 and runs through  Sunday, January 14th, 2007.

    Each session features a large screen DVD presentation by well-known speakers on Peak Oil. All presentations are free and open to the public. All sessions will be held at the Silco Theater, 311 N. Bullard St., Silver  City, NM. Please use alternative transportation  when possible - car pool, bike, bus, or walk. Lunch is on your own. Water and tea  will be provided, but please bring your own cup. For further information call William Joseph at 505-538-5892.


    A special pre-conference presentation by Glenn Landers of the Southwest Environmental Center will be held on Thursday, January 11,  2007 from 7:00-9:00 PM at the Silco Theater. Glenn will present the award-winning  documentary, "A Land Out of Time." This film documents the attempts by gas industries to open up sensitive ecological areas to oil and gas drilling and the ensuing public  backlash. After the documentary, Glenn will give a  presentation on Otera Mesa, which is currently  under assault. Facilitated by John Fridinger, Gila Sustainability  Network

    Friday, January 12, 2007
    7:00-9:00 PM. David Orr, "Peak Oil, Climate Change and Our Future." David Orr, a pioneer in environmental literacy  and ecological design, author of Earth in Mind and Chair of Environmental Studies at Oberlin College will explore the twin challenges of Peak  Oil and climate change. Facilitated by William Joseph, Grant County Peace Coalition

    Saturday, January 13, 2007
    10:00-11:30 AM. Richard Heinberg, "Peak Oil, A Proactive Response." Richard Heinberg, a leading educator and international  speaker and author of The Oil Depletion Protocol and Powerdown will explain the immense challenge of global peak oil production and its  economic impacts. Facilitated by Tom Gibbons, Biodiesel Group

    11:30 AM-1:00 PM Lunch On Your Own

    1:00-2:30 PM. Julian Darley, "Relocalize Now." Julian Darley, author of High Noon for Natural Gas,  director of the Post Carbon Institute, and coauthor of the forthcoming Relocalize Now! will  address global relocalization and how communities can begin to prepare for Peak Oil. Facilitated by Allyson Siwik, GRIP 

    3:00-4:30 PM. Mark & Rachel Bighley, "Energy Efficient Housing." This informative presentation by local home builders, Mark & Rachel Bighley of Mark Bighley Construction, will offer practical applications for implementing  energy efficiency in both new and existing homes.

    Sunday, January 14, 2007
    1:00-2:30 PM. Vicki Robins, "Voluntary Simplicity as a Way of Life." Vicki Robins, co-author of Your Money or Your Life and president of the New Road Map Foundation will introduce voluntary simplicity as a viable solution for Peak Oil and climate change as well as a way to lead a more healthy, fulfilling life. Facilitated by Susan Van Auken, Advocate for Simple Living

    3:00-4:30 PM. Paul Hawken, "Sustainability as an Infinite Game." Paul Hawken, author of Natural Capitalism and an activist on sustainability and environmentalism, will  present a global vision on how we can incorporate sustainable actions in our lives. Facilitated by Shirley Pevarnik, MLA in Creation Spirituality

    Following each presentation there will be an open forum. During these forums, participants will have an opportunity to discuss changes they can make and to create their own Personal Action Plan.

    Attend this conference to hear the latest on Peak Oil and climate change. Understand why many proposed alternatives could do more harm than good. Learn about lifestyle solutions based on conservation, curtailment, and community that will lead to a more sustainable and equitable future.

    January 9, 2007 at 10:11 AM in Energy, Environment, Events | Permalink


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