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    Wednesday, January 17, 2007

    APS to Hold School Board Candidate Forum 1/24/07

    From Albuquerque Public Schools:
    Albuquerque Public Schools will hold a forum for candidates for the APS Board of Education at 7 PM, Wednesday, January 24, at the APS Building, located at 6400 Uptown Blvd. NE. The forum will be moderated by the League of Women Voters.

    “This is a great opportunity for the community to hear the views and opinions of those running for the Albuquerque Public Schools’ Board of Education,” said Superintendent Dr. Elizabeth Everitt. “Each candidate will be given time for an opening statement, they will then answer questions from the community, and then will give a closing statement.”

    According to the Bernalillo County Clerk, currently there are three candidates in District 1, located in the south valley of Albuquerque. They are: Cecilia C de Baca, Dolores Griego, and Richard Sanchez.

    There are two candidates in District 2, located in Albuquerque’s west side. They are: Cynthia Jones and Robert Lucero, who is an incumbent.

    There are five candidates in District 4, located in the downtown and University area of Albuquerque. They are: Vanessa Alarid, John Edward, Martin Esquivel, Charles MacQuigg, and Pauline Nuñez.

    “We encourage the citizens of Albuquerque to attend this very important and informative meeting,” added Everitt.

    Every child has a right to a quality public education and APS is committed to providing that education. For more information about Albuquerque Public Schools visit www.aps.edu.

    January 17, 2007 at 08:47 AM in Candidates & Races, Education | Permalink


    This is an excellent opportunity to find where these school board hopefulls stand on the militarism of our schools. We should ask how much JROTC actually costs APS. We should also challenge the new MILITARY Charter School that I believe will be funded by APS.

    Terry Riley

    Posted by: Terry Riley | Jan 17, 2007 10:19:57 AM

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