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Friday, December 15, 2006

URGENT Support Requested by Dine Elders and Youth to Stop New Coal-Fired Plant

(Above) Lucy A. Willie (R) stands at the proposed Desert Rock Power Plant site outside of Burnham on Wednesday where she and several friends and family stayed overnight to stop a contractor for Desert Rock Energy Company from doing preliminary work.

UPDATE 01.04.07: An agreement was reached to permit continued protest against the power plant. See Santa Fe New Mexican article.

From the Black Mesa Water Coalition and the Indigenous Environmental Network:

Sithe Global and DPA are proposing to build the Desert Rock Power Plant, a 1500 MW coal fired plant in the Four Corners area on the Navajo Reservation. This is an area already polluted by 2 other major coal power plants. Local Navajo residence and community members oppose this project for many harmful reasons!! This Desert Rock power plant is still in the environmental review process and has NOT yet been permitted.

However, Desert Rock company trucks have began moving onto the backyard of Alice Gilmore, an elderly Navajo woman, and her family on Wednesday to begin drilling efforts. Desert Rock officials and police have not shown any documents or permits to the local residents stating their purpose or permission to be there. Dine supporters and community members have joined Alice and her family to blockade the road. They are elderly women and youth, and they have been camped out on the road over night since Tuesday! Desert Rock trucks have repeatedly rushed them and have almost run-over people a number of times as they attempt to get by. Desert Rock power company is violating the lease rights of the local Navajo residences and is harassing elderly Navajo women and youth. This is an urgent time and support is needed!!!

Please read on to find out how you can help! And please pass this onto others! Click for press release (doc) and additional article.

What They Need:
- More People Support
- Firewood
- $$
- Attention!

How You can Help!

-More People! More people are needed to sit in support! All are welcome! Directions to the area are below:

The site is between Gallup, NM and Shiprock, NM (northeastern, NM). Take the road between Gallup and Shiprock, the 491, at the Mustang Service Station (one of the only service stations between the two), turn East on road #5 towards Burnham Chapter. From Burnham Chapter turn North onto gravel road #5082. About 10-12 miles up the road turn West until you see the encampment. There will be markers (balloons) out on the roads. (if you begin to see a dragline, you've gone too far)

- Firewood! it is cold outside and many of the resisters are elderly women. If you can get firewood to the site it is very very much needed. The directions to the site are above.

- $ Money! Resisters are in need of money for gas and food, and also for bail money if necessary. Please send donations to local resident and supporter:
Elouise Brown
1015 Glade Lane 34
Farmington, NM 87401
Email: thebrownmachine@hotmail.com

- ATTENTION! The more media and observers are present, the least likely Desert Rock is likely to run people over or harass them. Contact the media and tell them what is going on. Contact Navajo Authorities and tell them you are extremely concerned. Be a legal observer. Spread this Alert!

Media Contact: Lori Goodman, cell: (970) 759-1908, e-mail: kiyaani@frontier.net

Contact the Following Authorities! Tell them you have heard about Desert Rock's harassment of Navajo elders and youth. Tell them you are extremely concerned. If enough people contact these offices, they will know that the world is watching.

Shiprock Police Department
Phone: (505) 368-1350, Fax: (505) 368-1293

Navajo Nation President Joe Shirley's Office
P.O. Box 9000 Window Rock, Arizona, 86515
Phone : (928) 871- 6352

George Hardeen,
Navajo Nation Communications Director
Office of the President
Office: 928-871-7000, Cell: 928-380-7688
e-mail: georgehardeen@opvp.org

Bureau of Indian Affairs (Gallup Office) - they are conducting the Environmental Impact Statement.

Harrilene Yazzi
NEPA Coordinator Bureau of Indian Affairs
Navajo Regional Office
P.0. Box 1060 Gallup, New Mexico 87305
Phone: 505-863-8314, Fax: 505-863-8324

-Be a Legal Observer: Get to the site and help record/witness what is happening.

Send this Action Alert Far and Wide!
Thank you for your support!!!
Enei Begaye, Executive Director
Black Mesa Water Coalition
408 E. Route 66, Suite #1
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Office #: (928) 213-9760

Jihan Gearon, Native Energy Campaign
Indigenous Environmental Network
(877) 436-2121

December 15, 2006 at 10:56 AM in Energy, Native Americans | Permalink


Don't coal fired plants spew mercury?
The tribal government must have given permission for the plant to be located on Dine land.

Posted by: qofdisks | Dec 16, 2006 8:20:14 AM

Yes, the tribal government gave their approval. The tribal governments must be as representative of ordinary people as our regular government reps are. Sure seems like almost all of them take bribes in the form of campaign contributions to okay things like this power plant.

Isn't it ironic that Governor Richardson and almost all the Democrats claim they are very concerned about pollution and global warming and yet this awful plant will be built. Why aren't they out there complaining about this plant?

Posted by: greenie | Dec 16, 2006 11:06:31 AM

If the tribal government approved the plant, there is nothing to be done.
Let us hope that Richardson at least enforces strict control of pollution using the most up to date technology. New Mexico and the tribal government must not allow corner cutting.
I hope the tribal government will relocate and compensate those unfortunate Dine.

Posted by: qofdisks | Dec 16, 2006 5:07:59 PM

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