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    Thursday, December 07, 2006

    This Just In: Richardson Will Run for Prez (Debunked)

    Guv_2Not unexpected, but still news or at least Faux News: According to a Fox News story, Gov. Bill Richardson WILL run for president in 2008:

    New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson is expected to formally file papers to form a presidential exploratory committee in January. But today he told FOX News "I am running," as he described the professional and personal experiences that he believes have prepared him for the job.

    He also gave a speech on comprehensive immigration reform today, something one might expect a presidential candidate to do. Let's see how much buzz the Fox item produces....

    UPDATE: Ah, but wait, now kos sez the Richardson camp is calling the Fox report a lie. Video to come at kos. Also, a new Albuquerque Tribune article contains the denial. Either way, more media coverage for Richardson.

    UPDATE #2, 12/8: Faux News clearly twisted the facts on this one, but the Richardson denial story garnered a front page headline in the Albuquerque Journal this morning.

    December 7, 2006 at 05:18 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink


    Richardson did not announce for the Presidency today. Check out Washington for Richardson for the details.

    Posted by: | Dec 7, 2006 7:23:42 PM

    I don't know what Faux News is trying to do with their story but there is little doubt that he won't seek the nomination. I understand that there are some legal issues and that's why he refuses to make a formal announcement at this time.

    Posted by: VP | Dec 8, 2006 6:50:56 AM

    I see Monahan is making a big deal about this, claiming Richardson's staff overreacted in response to this false story. I guess old Joe doesn't realize the legal implications of an announcement that someone is running for an office. Such an announcement changes everything legally in terms of spending money raised and in the case of the presidency many legal limitations and requirements kick in. Hey Monahan - get informed before you type!

    Posted by: Reader | Dec 8, 2006 9:50:19 AM

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