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    Friday, December 15, 2006

    Terry Riley Guest Blog: Support Maggie Toulouse for Bernalillo County Clerk

    From guest blogger Terry Riley:
    On January 1st Mary Herrera will tender her resignation as county clerk and be sworn in as Secretary of State of New Mexico. At that point Bernalillo County commissioners will have to meet to appoint a new County Clerk.

    I attended a meeting of Democracy for New Mexico last week where Maggie Toulouse spoke. She told a bit about herself and she asked for suggestions for priorities for change in the county election process. She recognized that she was speaking with people who had participated in this year's election process. The input from the group was varied and her responses appeared thoughtful.

    Ms. Toulouse asked for support for the nomination. She indicated that she would submit a summary of her qualifications to the Democracy for New Mexico web site. (Editor's Note: She did submit this info, which can be found in this post.) From a little experience that I have had working with her and very heavily from her presentation at DFNM I feel that she is a very good candidate for replacing Mary Herrera. 

    If you are a Bernalillo County resident and you want to recommend Maggie Toulouse for Bernalillo County Clerk I ask that you contact your commissioner and indicate your support. You can also have an effect if you contact the other commissioners, be sure to indicate whose district you reside in.  The contact information for the Bernalillo County Commissioners is:

    Alan B. Armijo, 505-768-4027, msalazar@bernco.gov

    Teresa L. Cordova, PhD, 505-768-4448, bmiera@bernco.gov

    Deanna A. Archuleta, 505-768-4108, sdanciger@bernco.gov

    Tim Cummins, 505-768-4001, emckinley@bernco.gov

    Michael Brasher, 505-768-4002, rdoucette@bernco.gov

    Address: One Civic Plaza NW
    Albuquerque, NM 87102
    They are located on the 10th floor. 

    Please take action.  New Mexico needs the most qualified people in county clerk positions, especially Bernalillo County.

    Editor's Note: This opinion piece is a guest blog submitted by Terry Riley. If you would like to submit a post for possible publication as a guest blog here, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper left-hand corner of the main blog page.

    December 15, 2006 at 08:59 AM in Candidates & Races, Guest Blogger | Permalink


    If I can put in a request from overseas, Maggie--please PLEASE make overseas voting easier. Every year I receive my ballot at the last minute--last year I got it the day before the election--despite my early requests.

    And this year I followed the federal voting proceedures, yet found the clerk's office in Albuquerque ignorant of the preceedures in place to allow me to vote from abroad.

    Friends from other states have no problems receiving their ballots in time.

    Why can't New Mexico send out ballots in a timely fashion to those of us who must vote absentee?

    Posted by: KathyF | Dec 15, 2006 2:13:48 PM

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