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    Friday, December 22, 2006

    Take Action: Immigrants Imprisoned in American Concentration Camps, On Christmas

    firedoglake has everything you need to know about this horror story. Their entire post is well worth a read, but here's an excerpt:

    Latina Lista has been doing fantastic work on the story of the truly evil ICE roundup of immigrant children and families, which has in many cases left American citizen children effectively orphaned. Now, we learn of American concentration camps for brown people, holding hundreds of children, just in time for Christmas, here on mainland American soil. As allied forces liberated Europe after defeating Germany, the undesirables of the Nazi regime were set free. Who will liberate these people?

    It has to be you.

    I'll give you the details of the situation after the jump, but here's what we need you to do:  this holiday season, while congress is out of session and your representatives are back home, please contact the local offices of your senators and congressmen and tell them this is immoral, unAmerican, and it has to stop. Now. None of these people are expecting calls on this, and certainly not during the holidays. Flood their fax machines with messages, too. If you wanted something truly good for the soul to do this holiday season, this is it. Please act. These families and children have no hope without you.

    You can read more about the fed busts at Swift & Co. in my earlier post.

    December 22, 2006 at 10:14 AM in Immigration | Permalink


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