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    Sunday, December 03, 2006

    Sunday Bird Blogging: Sunny the Acrobat

    Sunny the sun conure loves to play with toys of all sorts but his special favorites are balls, especially plastic or straw varieties. Lately he has taken to rolling onto his back with his feet in the air while playing with his balls (no, not those kind). He likes to perform acrobatically on the top of his cage where he generally hangs out, and loves to be noticed while he does so. He's an avian ham.

    In this recent video he also seems to develop a strange fixation on his tail feathers, grasping them with one foot while he performs other amusing moves on top of his cage. He hasn't shown any interest in doing this with his tail feathers before or since this performance, so savor it as a rare treat. We do.

    Sunny's cage is in our back den, where I've been camped out during my convalescence, and he's given me many hours of entertainment in the process. I have to admit we had to move our 7 parakeets to another room as their near constant singing was the precisely wrong prescription for my headache-dominated malady. Even Sunny screeches at times, but thankfully he usually limits his loud vocalizing to times when I leave the room. Sun conures are known for their playfulness and tricks and Sunny definitely fits the mold. Enjoy.

    December 3, 2006 at 01:01 PM in Bird Blogging | Permalink


    unh.... I used to be able to do that.

    Posted by: Suzanne Prescott | Dec 3, 2006 3:59:00 PM

    Please tickle that fine feathered tum for me!

    Posted by: | Dec 3, 2006 4:02:00 PM

    Much talent runs in the family! That's adorable.

    Posted by: nancy | Dec 3, 2006 9:48:39 PM

    You should start charging for this stuff!

    Posted by: Roadrunner | Dec 4, 2006 9:39:01 AM

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